Sufism and Bhakti movements

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Jainism in Andhra Pradesh

Jainism in Andhra Pradesh Dharmamrita, a classic of 12th century A. D., mentionsthat even during the times of 12th TirthankaraVasupujya, Jainism was prevalent in the Andhra country.Tradition also says an Anga king come with his threesons to Vengi who later became Jainas and built a cityknown as Pratipalapura which is some where near modernBhattiprolu. The … Read more

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of SikhismSikhism and the first of ten Sikh Gurus. He was born in Talwandi, Punjab, India in 1469. He is considered to be one of the most important religious figures in Indian history. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a spiritual teacher who emphasized the importance of faith, devotion, … Read more

Hinduism: Dominant Religious Influence

HinduismHinduism emerged as the dominant religious force during the Gupta period, with the Gupta rulers themselves being devout Hindus. Some key aspects of Hinduism during this period include: Patronage of Temples Religious Tolerance Literature and Philosophy BuddhismBuddhism: Decline and Revival Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, and Mimamsa, each offering different perspectives on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. How … Read more

National Human Rights Commission

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is an independent statutory body set up on 28 January 1993 by the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. The Commission is mandated to protect and promote human rights in India. It has the power to inquire into complaints of violation of human rights and to take appropriate action. … Read more

Buddhism and Jainism

Buddhism and Jainism Buddhism and Jainism are two of the world’s oldest religions, and they share many similarities. Both religions are based on the belief in reincarnation, and both emphasize the importance of non-violence and compassion. However, there are also some key differences between the two religions. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who lived … Read more

Origin of Jainism

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches that the way to liberation and bliss is to live a life of harmlessness and renunciation. The religion was founded by Mahavira, who lived in India in the 6th century BCE. Mahavira was a wandering ascetic who taught that the only way to escape the cycle of … Read more

Tenets of Jainism

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches that the way to liberation and bliss is to live a life of harmlessness and non-violence. Jains believe that all living beings are interconnected and that we should avoid harming any living thing, including insects. They also believe in reincarnation and karma, and that our actions in … Read more

Nai Roshni: Empowering Women, Lighting New Paths

Nai Roshni, a scheme launched by India’s Ministry of Minority Affairs, is a leadership development and empowerment program specifically designed for women belonging to minority communities. The name ‘Nai Roshni’ means “new light,” symbolizing the scheme’s objective of illuminating a path of progress, self-reliance, and confidence for these women. Goals of Nai Roshni Leadership Development: Nurturing … Read more