Issues relating to poverty and hunger

Issues relating to POVERTY and hunger Poverty Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial Resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Its manifestations include hunger and Malnutrition, limited access to Education and other basic Services, social discrimination and exclusion, as well as the lack of … Read more

Health sector in Bihar

The major Health and demographic indicators of the State like infant mortality rate (IMR), maternal mortality ratio (MMR), total fertility rate (TFR), etc. are much higher than the all-India level and reflect a poor health status in the State. The Human Development index (HDI), a composite of Literacy, life expectancy and per capita income, has … Read more

Epidemic Diseases

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Complete information on major types of epidemics in India India is endemic to many diseases such as Malaria, Kala-azar, Cholera, Tuberculosis. These erupt in epidemic form when conditions are favorable for their spread. Epidemics are disasters by themselves but these can emerge in the aftermath of … Read more

Health Education in India

Health Education in India Medical education in global context has evolved over a period of time and so in India. With changing community needs, educational advancements and technological revolutions, we need to update the method of imparting knowledge and skills to the students. Major components of hidden curriculum like Communication skills, Attitude, Empathy, altruism, professionalism, … Read more

What is a disease? Discuss the type of disease? ( Science)

Disease is a condition that impairs the proper functioning of the body or its parts. A disease can be defined as: Any deviation from normal functioning or state of complete physical and mental well being. Types of diseases: The human diseases are broadly classified into following four categories: Acute diseases Chronic diseases Congenital diseases Acquired … Read more

Human diseases : Communicable & Non Communicable Diseases, Acute and Chronic Diseases; Causes and Prevention of Infectious, Genetic and Lifestyle Disease.

Diseases – Communicable diseases, Endemic diseases Top 10 Causes of Death (Source: WHO World Health Statistics 2012) Ischemic heart disease 12 % Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 11% Stroke 9% Diarrheal disease 6% Lower respiratory infections 5% Preterm birth complications 4% Tuberculosis 3% Self-inflicted injuries 3% Falls 3% Road injuries 2% Communicable diseases Communicable diseases continue … Read more

Umbrella Scheme for “Family Welfare and Other Health Interventions”

India’s commitment to accessible healthcare includes an overarching umbrella scheme dedicated to improving family welfare and addressing public health concerns. This scheme encompasses several programs designed to enhance maternal and child health, provide family planning services, and tackle critical health issues. Objectives of the Umbrella Scheme Population Stabilization: Promote population stabilization through voluntary and informed adoption … Read more