The Nawabs Of Awadh

 Nawab Saadat Khan (1722-1739)   The power of the shaikhzadas remained paramount and unchallenged until Saadat Khan stepped into Lucknow. Being appointed Subedar in 1722 Saadat Khan laid the foundation of Awadh dynasty of the Shia Nawabs of Iranian lineage based first at Faizabad and later at Lucknow. He died in 1739 A.D. … Read more

Jagirdari Crisis – Causes of Decline of Mughal Empire

The following are the subtopics of Jagirdari Crisis – Causes of Decline of Mughal Empire: Aurangzeb’s policies The rise of regional powers The decline of the Mughal army The economic crisis The agrarian crisis The religious policy of Aurangzeb The Rajput rebellions The Maratha rebellion The decline of the Mughal navy The death of Aurangzeb … Read more