Mineral Resources of West Bengal

Mineral Resources of  West Bengal   Major Mineral Resources: The state of West Bengal has an important position in mineral production of the country. In terms of value, the state accounts for 3.8% of mineral production in India and occupies the seventh position. Various metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits have been located both in the … Read more


  STATUS OF Energy sector West Bengal, is an Indian state that lies in the eastern part of Indiain the Gangatic plains. It is the third largest economy in India. Being itself a center of agriculture and huge reserves of Minerals, it constitutes one tenth of the Indian market. West Bengal also has a prosperous hinterland of … Read more

Migration of Meghalaya

Migration of Meghalaya Migration is a common phenomenon in developing country like India as well as the state of Meghalaya. North-East India has experienced two massive immigration waves in historical period of time. At the time of independence of India and formation of Bangladesh, Meghalaya also has experienced a significant proportion of immigration from Bangladesh. … Read more

Industrial development in Nagaland

Industrial development in Nagaland The development Industry in Nagaland has provided an impetus to the economic Growth of this north eastern state of India. The proliferation of large scale and medium scale industries has helped to raise the standard of living of the local inhabitants of Nagaland. Between 2011-12 and 2016-17, Gross State Domestic Product … Read more

Power resources in Nagaland

Power Resources in Nagaland Coal Nagaland is blessed with rich Natural Resources. Of these, coal is one such resource which can uplift the economy of the local people and Nagaland State in general if utilized properly.     Coal deposits are distributed in eight districts of the State. The most practiced coal mining method in Nagaland is … Read more

Natural and power resoures of Orrisa

Characteristic and Power assets of Odisha   Characteristic Resources of Odisha:   Assets in Odishacan be separated into following four classes:   a) Minerals, b) Forest, c) Water and d) Land Resources   Odisha has a lot of a wide range of common assets like minerals, backwoods, water and land. We will talk about all … Read more

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Odisha  Orissa is vulnerable to multiple disasters. Owing to its sub-tropical littoral location, the state is prone to tropical INFRASTRUCTURE in 14 districts of the State and disrupted public life very severely.  With millions of trees uprooted during the super cyclone, the State, especially the coastal … Read more

Mineral Resources of Tamil Nadu

Mineral Resources of Tamil Nadu   Tamil Nadu is the leading holder of country’s resources of vermiculite, magnetite, dunite, rutile, garnet, molybdenum and ilmenite. The State accounts for the country’s 81% lignite,75% vermiculite, 69% dunite, 59% garnet, 52% molybdenum and 30% titanium Minerals resources. Important minerals that are found to occur in the State are … Read more

Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) regime, improved Communication systems that produce and facilitate the trade of the concerned commodities. [su_heading size=”21″]Distribution and changing pattern of Cotton textile industry[/su_heading] The industrial development in India began with the establishment of first successful modern cotton textile mill at Mumbai in 1854.Traditional cotton textile industry could not face the competition … Read more

Major tourist places in Punjab

Punjab, famously referred to as ‘The land of five rivers’, is situated in the north western part of India. This fertile land ranks amongst the most ancient civilizations in the world. Punjab is also famous for its religious diversity as it was here many religious movements were initiated. The scenic landscape, rich history and famous … Read more