Pattern of urban settlement

  Urban Growth and Urbanization patterns in Jharkhand do not seem to attract any significant academic attention. The ‘newly’ born state that came into existence on 15th November 2000 as the 28th state of Indian Union has however remained in turbidity of political economy of growth since its formation. For a long time, Jharkhand remained … Read more

Multiple Cropping

Multiple CroppingCropping Multiple Cropping is a farming practice in which two or more crops are grown in the same field at the same time. This can be done in a number of ways, such as IntercroppingIntercropping, Relay Cropping, and Sequential Cropping. Types of Multiple Cropping Systems Intercropping Mixed cropping Relay Cropping Sequential Cropping Crop Selection … Read more

Citizenship by Birth

Citizenship by Birth Citizenship by birth is the acquisition of citizenship at the moment of birth. It is a fundamental principle of international law that a person is a citizen of the state in which they are born, unless they have been granted citizenship by another state. There are two main types of citizenship by … Read more