Anglo French rivalry and Carnatic Wars

Carnatic Wars Political Situation in India on the eve of British-French Rivalry Since the 15th century when Europeans first arrived in India the fight for supremacy between rival factions became a part of the Indian history. But the Anglo-French struggles should get special mentions, as their role in shaping the course of modern India is … Read more

Structure of Government and economic policies of British Empire in India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies

Structure Of Government And Economic Policies Of British Empire In India (1757- 1857) : Administrative organization, Social and Cultural policies Structure of government under east India company (1757-1857) When the officials of the East India Company acquired control over Bengal in 1765, they had little intention of making any innovations in its administration. They only … Read more

First Afghan Empire

Lodhi -First Afghan Dynasty All Turks are the rulers of Delhi Sultanate, while Lodis who succeeded Sayyids were Afgans from 1451 to 1526. It was the last dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. They are rulers of Pashtun (Afghan) Ghilzai tribal origin and reigned during the last phase of the Delhi Sultanate. After the last Sayyid … Read more

Sharqis of Jaunpur

Sharqis of Jaunpur The efforts of rulers of the Delhi Sultanate to assert their rule over the conquered territories became unsuccessful. As a result several provincial dynasties came into being and wielded substantial sovereign power and contributed to the Growth of art , architecture and literature. One such dynasty was the Sharqi dynasty of Jaunpur, … Read more

History of Baghelkhand

History of Baghelkhand This is not very clear but there are few theories that how the name Baghel came and those are: The King of Anhil Bada, Gujrat King Kumarpal VIII had given a village to his same cast thakurs in a village called Vyaghrapalli and it was also called as Baghel. When the Thakur … Read more

Malwa Sultanate

Malwa Sultanate The Malwa Sultanate was a late medieval kingdom presumably of Turkic origin, in the Malwa region of the present day Madhya Pradesh state in India in 1392–1562. The sultanate of Malwa was founded by Dilawar Khan Ghuri, the governor of Malwa for the Delhi Sultanate, who asserted his independence in 1392, but did … Read more

Mughals in malwa

Mughals in malwa The first conquest of Akbar was that of Malwa. Baz Bahadur, the ruler of Malwa was fond of fine arts, particularly of dance and music. He was neglectful towards the affairs of the state and kept himself engrossed in romance with his talented mistress Rup Mati. Akbar despatched Adham Khan to conquer … Read more

Indian History -Political, Economical and Social history of India from Harappa civilization to 10th Century A.D.

Indus Valley Civilization   Indus Valley Civilization was the first major civilization in south Asia, which spread across a vast area of land in present day India and Pakistan (around 12 lakh The time period of mature Indus Valley Civilization is estimated between BC. 2700- BC.1900 i.e. for 800 years. But early Indus Valley Civilization had … Read more

HIstoy of Madhya pradesh with emphasis on Prehistory

HIstoy of Madhya pradesh with emphasis on Prehistory  Madhya Pradesh history states the past of the state, when it was ruled by the renowned dynasties. It even portrays the journey of the state from the past to the present. The state is said to be the habitat of some of the famous dynasties. The history of … Read more