Cropping Intensity

CroppingCropping Intensity Cropping intensity is a measure of how much land is being used for agriculture. It is calculated by dividing the number of crops grown in a year by the number of years that the land is in production. A higher cropping intensity indicates that more land is being used for agriculture, while a … Read more

Mono Cropping

Mono CroppingCropping Monocropping is a type of agricultural practice in which a single crop is grown in a field year after year. This practice is often used to increase crop yields, but it can also have negative environmental consequences. One of the main problems with monocropping is that it can lead to SoilSoil erosion. When … Read more


What is Monoculture? Monoculture is a type of agriculture in which a single crop is grown over a large area. This practice is often used to increase crop yields, but it can have a number of negative environmental consequences. SoilSoil Depletion Pest and Disease Vulnerability Reduced BiodiversityBiodiversity Dependence on Fertilizers and Pesticides Water Use and … Read more

Political Homogeneity

Political Homogeneity Political homogeneity is a state in which there is a high degree of similarity in the political beliefs and values of a population. This can be measured in terms of the distribution of political parties, the level of voter turnout, and the degree of political polarization. There are a number of factors that … Read more