Subsidies and cash transaction

A subsidy is a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction. The subsidy is usually given to remove some type of burden and is often considered to be in the interest of the public. Direct Cash Transfer Scheme is a POVERTY reduction measure … Read more

Development of Mining Sector of Madhya Pradesh

Mineral wealth of MP, and ranking in mineral:- Madhya Pradesh is richly endowed with rich mineral reserves. In Mineral Production , the state ranks fourth after Jharkand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Madhya Pradesh is the only state of the country producing diamond in the country. Madhya Pradesh stands first in production of Copper Ore and Pyrophyllite. … Read more

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (POCA)

Corruption is widespread in India. India has been ranked 79th out of 176 countries in Transparency International’s 2012 corruption perception index (CPI). Corruption has taken the role of a pervasive aspect of Indian Politics and Bureaucracy. The economy of India was under socialist. Inspired policies for an entire generation from the 1950s until the 1980s. … Read more


 Commercial mathematics Banking Banking can be defined literarily as the business activity of accepting and safeguarding Money owned by individuals and entities and release of the money whenever the needs arise by the owner. It is the business of managing money and where money is involved everything must be carefully assessed, valued and … Read more

Economy Notes

Contents India under the British Rule. 2 Inflation in India. 6 Monetary Policy of India. 6 Read moreEconomy Notes

Simple Interest

 MATHEMATICS AND QUATITUATIVE Aptitude – SIMPLE INTEREST Introduction Money is not free and it costs to borrow the money. Normally, the borrower has to pay an extra amount in addition to the amount he had borrowed. i.e, to repay the loan, the borrower has to pay the sum borrowed and the interest. Lender … Read more


 DISCOUNT   The discount is referred to the reduction in the price of some commodity or service. It may anywhere appear in the distribution channel in the form of modifications in marked price (printed on the item) or in retail price (set by retailer usually by pasting a sticker on the item) or in list price (quoted for the buyer). The discount … Read more

Repo And Reverse Repo Transactions

 Repo and reverse repo transactions The repurchase agreement (repo or RP) and the reverse repo agreement (RRP) are key tools used by many large financial institutions, banks, and some businesses. These short-term agreements provide temporary lending opportunities that help to fund ongoing operations. The Federal Reserve also uses the repo and reverse repo … Read more

Issues Of Finance

 Issues of finance, ownership, operation and maintenance of all kinds of Foreign Direct Investment under automatic route in the construction development sector. High capital intensity, low operating cost, higher gestation period, near absent risk mitigation measures, difficulties in getting Environment clearance, inability to generate direct adequate income streams to selffinance are some of … Read more