Katyuri kings:History of Uttarakhand

The Katyuri kings were a medieval ruling clan of present-day Uttarakhand, India. They ruled over the Kumaon region from 800 to 1100 AD. They called their state Kurmanchal, the land of Kurma, the second Avatar of Vishnu, which gives the region its present name, Kumaon. ORIGIN Historians such as Badri Dutt Pandey believe the Katyurs … Read more

Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty- Medieval history of Madhya pradesh

Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, either of two dynasties of medieval Hindu India. The line of Harichandra ruled in Mandor, Marwar (Jodhpur, Rajasthan), during the 6th to 9th centuries CE, generally with feudatory status. The line of Nagabhata ruled first at Ujjain and later at Kannauj during the 8th to 11th centuries. Other Gurjara lines existed, … Read more

Pala Dynasty

   Pala Dynasty   Pala Dynasty ruled Bengal and Bihar for about four centuries from the middle of the 8th century AD. Founded by Gopala, rule of the dynasty underwent various vicissitudes and lasted for eighteen generations of kings. Prior to the establishment of the Pala Empire, the area of Bengal was experiencing … Read more


Vishnukundins The Vishnukundina Empire was one of the Middle kingdoms of India, controlling the Deccan, Orissa and parts of South India during the 5th and 6th centuries, carving land out from the Vakataka Empire. It played an important role in the history of the Deccan during the 5th and 6th centuries CE. The founder of … Read more

Jainism in Andhra Pradesh

Jainism in Andhra Pradesh Dharmamrita, a classic of 12th century A. D., mentionsthat even during the times of 12th TirthankaraVasupujya, Jainism was prevalent in the Andhra country.Tradition also says an Anga king come with his threesons to Vengi who later became Jainas and built a cityknown as Pratipalapura which is some where near modernBhattiprolu. The … Read more

Hinduism: Dominant Religious Influence

HinduismHinduism emerged as the dominant religious force during the Gupta period, with the Gupta rulers themselves being devout Hindus. Some key aspects of Hinduism during this period include: Patronage of Temples Religious Tolerance Literature and Philosophy BuddhismBuddhism: Decline and Revival Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, and Mimamsa, each offering different perspectives on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. How … Read more

Shashanka – A Great Patron of Hinduism

Shashanka was a king of Gauda who ruled from 606 to 647 CE. He is considered to be a great patron of Hinduism and is credited with restoring the glory of the Hindu religion in Bengal. Shashanka was born in the Shakya clan of the Kshatriya caste. His father, Bhimasena, was a powerful king who … Read more

Jain Architectural Developments

Jain Architectural Developments Jains are an ancient Indian religion that emphasizes non-violence, vegetarianism, and asceticism. Jains have a rich history of architecture, which reflects their beliefs and values. Jain architecture is characterized by its simplicity, symmetry, and use of natural materials. Jain temples are often built in the form of a stupa, which is a … Read more