Separation of powers

The doctrine of the Separation of Powers finds its roots in the ancient world, where the concepts of governmental functions, and the theories of mixed and balanced government, were evolved. These were essential Elements in the development of the doctrine of the separation of powers. Their transmission through medieval writings, to provide the basis of … Read more

Mahajanapadas and rise of Magadhan Empire

Mahajanapadas  The literal meaning of Mahajanapadas is great kingdoms. They flourished in the north/north western parts of India before the rise of Megasthenes. Whereas Avantipura who was the king of Surasena was one of the first desciples of Buddha, and it gained prominence evr since then in Mathura. The geographical locattion of this kingdom among the … Read more

Laws (1)

 Laws, rules, regulations and conscience as source of ethical guidance High ethical standards for the provision of Services and the exercise of authority are a prerequisite if the citizenry is to trust the Public Service. The goal of these general ethical guidelines is to ensure that all State employees are aware of this. … Read more

Queen Victoria Proclamation

On November 1, 1858, a grand Darbar was held at Allahabad. Here Lord Canning sent forth the royal proclamation which announced that the queen had assumed the government of India. This proclamation declared the future policy of the British Rule in India. The Queen’s Proclamation of 1858 assured the Indian Princes that their territories will … Read more

Administrative Organization of the British

Army Army fulfilled four important functions: Instrument to conquer Indian powers Defended the British Empire in India against foreign rivals Safe-guarded against internal revolt Chief instrument for extending and defending the British Empire in Asia and Africa. Bulk of the army consisted of Indians. In 1857, of the total strength of 311400, about 265900 were … Read more

The History of Licchavis

  The Lichchhavis (also Lichchavi, Licchavi) were an important member of the Vajjian confederacy. The early Indian traditions describe the Lichchhavis as Kshatriyas. Scholars reject the theory of foreign origin of the Lichchhavis on the strength of these traditions. But they were degraded to the status of fallen Kshatriyas due to their championship of non-Brahmanical … Read more

History of the world

History of the world will include events from 18th century such as Industrial revolution, World Wars,Redrawal of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like Communism,capitalism, Socialism etc.- their forms and effect on the Society.  Prehistory Prehistory is the period of time before humans developed writing systems. It is a long and complex period, with many … Read more

System of Government

System of Government Types of government Features of a Good System of Government Challenges of Government System of Government A system of government is a set of political institutions and norms by which a nation is governed. These institutions and norms define the relationship between different branches of government, as well as the relationship between … Read more

List of Political Ideologies

List of Political Ideologies Political ideologies are systems of ideas that provide a framework for understanding and evaluating political phenomena. They can be based on a variety of factors, including economic theory, social philosophy, and religious beliefs. There are many different political ideologies, but some of the most common include: Communism: Communism is a political … Read more


What is Constitutionalism? Constitutionalism is a form of government in which the power of the government is limited by a constitution. A constitution is a document that sets out the basic principles and laws of a country. It usually includes a list of rights that citizens have, as well as a system of checks and … Read more