Ocean Acidification

Here is a list of subtopics on ocean acidification: Causes of ocean acidification Effects of ocean acidification Mitigation of ocean acidification Adaptation to ocean acidification Ocean acidification and climate change Ocean acidification and marine life Ocean acidification and human health Ocean acidification and the economy Ocean acidification and international law Ocean acidification and public perception … Read more

Climate Change

Here is a list of subtopics on climate change: Causes of climate change Effects of climate change Mitigation of climate change Adaptation to climate change Climate change and the environment Climate change and society Climate change and the economy Climate change and politics Climate change and international relations Climate change and the law Climate change … Read more

Components of EIA

The components of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) are: Screening Scoping Baseline studies Impact analysis Mitigation measures Monitoring and reporting Screening is the process of determining whether a proposed project is likely to have a significant environmental impact. If it is, then the project must undergo a full EIA. Scoping is the process of defining … Read more

Policy Cut Motion

Policy Cut Motion A policy cut motion is a motion that is used to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to a particular policy or program. This type of motion is typically used when the government believes that the policy or program is not effective or is not worth the amount of money … Read more

Understanding Natural Disasters: A Comprehensive Overview

Natural disasters are extreme, sudden events caused by environmental factors that result in significant impacts on human health, the environment, and property. These events can range from earthquakes and floods to hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. This article delves into various aspects of natural disasters, including their types, causes, effects, and strategies for mitigation and preparedness. … Read more

Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP): Building a Green Workforce

The Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) is an initiative by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) designed to create skilled manpower for India’s transition towards a green economy. It recognizes that the shift towards sustainable practices requires a workforce trained in green technologies, resource efficiency, and environmentally conscious operations. Objectives of GSDP … Read more