Splash Erosion

Splash Erosion Splash erosion is a type of SoilSoil erosion that occurs when raindrops hit the Soil and dislodge particles. The dislodged particles are then transported by the runoff water, which can carry them away from the soil surface. Splash erosion is a major problem in many parts of the world, and it can have … Read more

Sheet erosion

Sheet Erosion Sheet erosion is the most common type of erosion, and it occurs when water flows over the surface of the land, carrying away SoilSoil particles. It can be caused by rain, snowmelt, or irrigation water. Sheet erosion can be a serious problem, as it can remove topsoil, which is the most fertile layer … Read more

Gully Erosion

What is Gully Erosion? Gully erosion is a type of SoilSoil erosion that occurs when water flows over land and creates channels or gullies. These gullies can be small or large, and they can cause significant damage to land and property. Gully Formation and Development Causes of Gully Erosion Concentrated Water Flow Land Use and … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics under Industry: Aerospace Agriculture Automotive Banking Biotechnology Construction Consumer goods Defense Education Energy Entertainment Financial services Food and beverage Healthcare Hospitality Insurance Internet Manufacturing Media Mining Nonprofit Pharmaceuticals Real estate Retail Technology Telecommunications Transportation Utilities Industry is a broad term that refers to the production of goods and services. … Read more


The following are the subtopics of Maharatnas: Agni – The fire god. Adityas – The sun gods. Ashvins – The twin gods of healing and medicine. Brahma – The creator god. Devas – The gods. Durga – The goddess of power and protection. Ganesha – The elephant-headed god of wisdom and success. Gandharvas – The … Read more

Minerals and Rocks

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Minerals and Rocks: Minerals Igneous minerals Felsic minerals Mafic minerals Ultramafic minerals Sedimentary minerals Clastic minerals Chemical sedimentary minerals Organic sedimentary minerals Metamorphic minerals Recrystallized minerals Deformation minerals Rocks Igneous Rocks Plutonic rocks Volcanic rocks Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks Chemical sedimentary rocks Organic sedimentary … Read more

Primary Sector

Here is a list of subtopics under the Primary Sector: Agriculture Forestry Fishing Mining Quarrying The primary sector is one of the three main sectors of the economy, along with the secondary and tertiary sectors. The primary sector is responsible for the extraction and production of raw materials, such as minerals, timber, and agricultural products. … Read more

Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY): Investing in the Wellbeing of Mining-Affected Communities

The Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY) is a landmark scheme by the Indian government aimed at ensuring the welfare of communities in mining areas. Mining, while crucial to the economy, often impacts the environment and the lives of people in surrounding areas. PMKKKY strives to mitigate these adverse effects and promote sustainable development … Read more