Orogenic or the mountain-forming movements

  Orogenic or the mountain-forming movements act tangentially to the earth surface, as in Plate tectonics. Tensions produces fissures (since this type of force acts away from a point in two directions) and compression produces folds (because this type of force acts towards a point from two or more directions). In the Landforms so produced, … Read more

Endogenic Processes

Endogenic Processes Endogenic processes are processes that occur within the Earth’s crust. They are responsible for the formation of mountains, VolcanoesVolcanoes, and earthquakes. The following are some of the subtopics of endogenic processes: Convection currents Subduction Orogeny Volcanism: Earthquakes Plate tectonics: The theory that the Earth’s surface is made up of a number of plates … Read more

Forces of Tension – Orogenic processes

The subtopics for Forces of Tension – Orogenic processes are: Divergent plate boundaries Rift valleys Oceanic crust Continental crust Convergent plate boundaries Subduction zones Oceanic trenches Island arcs Collision zones Orogenic belts Fold Mountains Fault-Block Mountains Volcanic mountains The Earth’s surface is made up of a number of tectonic plates that are constantly moving. These … Read more

Slow Movements (Diastrophism)

The following are the subtopics of Slow Movements (Diastrophism): Orogeny Epeirogeny Isostasy Tectonism Volcanism Earthquakes Mountain building Rifting Plate tectonics Continental drift Seafloor spreading Subduction Accretion Collision Orogeny is the process of mountain building. It is caused by the collision of tectonic plates. Epeirogeny is the process of uplift or subsidence of large areas of … Read more

Endogenic Processes

Endogenic Processes are processes that originate within the Earth. They include: Plate tectonics Mountain building Earthquakes VolcanoesVolcanoes Magma intrusions Metamorphism Hydrothermal activity Endogenic processes are responsible for the formation and evolution of the Earth’s surface. They are also responsible for the distribution of Natural Resources, such as oil, gas, and minerals. Endogenic processes are processes … Read more