Geo-political and Strategic development in South Asia, South East Asia and West Asia and their impact on India

Table of Content:- Indo- Afganistan Indo- Pakistan Indo- China Indo-Nepal Indo- Bhutan Indo-Myanmar Indo-Bangladesh Indo- Srilanka [su_heading size=”21″]Indo- Afganistan[/su_heading] Republic of India was the only South Asian country to recognise the Soviet-backed Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the 1980s, its relations were diminished during the Afghan civil wars and the rule of the Islamist Taliban … Read more

British Type of Climate

The British type of climate is a temperate climate that is characterized by mild temperatures, abundant rainfall, and a lack of extremes. The climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream, which brings warm water from the tropics to the British Isles. This warm water helps to keep the temperatures in Britain relatively mild, even in … Read more