Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir

Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir Livestock is one of the widely expanding sectors and over the years the sector has established its importance in development of rural economy. The sector not only supplements income of the farmers but also provides gainful EMPLOYMENT on one hand and supplements the vital and varied nutritional requirements of … Read more

Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir Livelihood of the majority of the Population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, … Read more

Animal husbandry of Sikkim

Animal Husbandry of Sikkim Livestock sector in Sikkim is highly livelihood intensive, agriculture along with livestock is the single largest employer in the state, over 80 per cent of the rural households in the state own livestock and earn supplementary incomes from them, distribution of livestock holdings is less iniquitous – over 85 per cent … Read more

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal Climate is a major determinant of forest types and on a broad sense; rainfall is major factor though temperature, Soil, topography etc., play a dominant role. On the other hand, forests exert a great influence on the climate of a country by retaining moisture in the Atmosphere. They prevent rapid … Read more

Animal Husbandry of West Bengal

Animal Husbandry of West Bengal Share of animal Resources and fishery in the total agricultural output stands presently at about 26%. In the State, the Livestock Sector contributes 4.41% of the total SDP and 18.6% of the Agricultural SDP. Animal Husbandry practice is a part of household activities in the rural areas mostly for meeting … Read more

Agriculture of West Bengal

agriculture of West Bengal West Bengal is located between 21⁰31’ & 27⁰14’ North Latitude and 85⁰91’ & 89⁰53’ East Longitude. The tropic of Cancer passes through the middle of the state covering the district in the East, Nadia and Bardwan and in the West Bankura and Purulia. The state has occupied a geographical area of … Read more

Cropping pattern of Meghalaya

Cropping pattern of Meghalaya Meghalaya is predominantly an agrarian state where majority of Population live in rural areas. Traditional shifting or slash-and-burn cultivation (locally known as ‘Jhum’) is a primitive method of agriculture, largely practised by the hill tribes, major residents of the Garo Hills region of Meghalaya, is not only a source of livelihood … Read more

Animal husbandry in Meghalaya

Animal Husbandry in Meghalaya Livestock including Poultry is an integral part of agriculture and contributes significantly to rural economy. While agriculture contributes about 30% of the total output of GDP, livestock including poultry constitutes about 25% of the total agricultural output. Rearing of livestock and poultry is an age old practice in the country with … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Nagaland

Animal Husbandry of Nagaland Nagaland, the smallest hilly state situated at the extreme northeastern end of India, lies between 25° 6′ and 27° 4′ latitude, North of Equator and between the Longitudinal line 93° 20’ E and 95° 15’E. The state Shares its boundary with Assam on the West, Myanmar on the East, Arunachal Pradesh … Read more

Animal Husbandry in Odisha

Animal Husbandry in Odisha Animal husbandry has tremendous potential for EMPLOYMENT generation .Dairy farming. sheep farming, goat farming, Poultry farming & pig farming   provide excellent opportunity for self employment. This sector has great role to play in POVERTY reduction and employment generation. Livestock products account for more than 20 % of the total value of … Read more