India’s Cultural diplomacy and Indian Diaspora  

Cultural diplomacy is a specified form of diplomacy that encourages a deliberate effort of cultural exchange. It facilitates the understanding of foreign cultural dynamics. Itis exchange of ideas, information, art, lifestyles, value systems, traditions, beliefs another aspects of cultures.   The Indian Diaspora is a generic term to describe the people who migrated from territories … Read more

History of Karnataka from Vedic age to Gupta Period 1

Pre History : Karnataka has a hoary past. It is blessed with innumerable inscriptions, memorial (viz. Hero, Mahasati and Self immolation) stones and monuments of rich historical and cultural heritage. It has many sites of Prehistoric Period and most of them are found scattered on the river valleys of Krishna, Bhima, Malaprabha, Ghataprabha, Cauvery, Hemavathi, … Read more

Developement of Art in Gupta periods

LITERATURE, SCIENCES & Education Sanskrit once again attained the status of a lingua franca and managed to scale even greater heights than before. Poet and playwright Kalidasa created such Epics as Abhijnanasakuntalam, Malavikagnimitram, Raghuvansha and Kumarsambhaba. Harishena, a renowned poet, panegyrist and flutist, composed Allahabad Prasasti, Sudraka wrote Mricchakatika, Vishakhadatta created Mudrarakshasa and Vishnusharma penned Panchatantra. Vararuchi, Baudhayana, Ishwar Krishna and Bhartrihari contributed to both Sanskrit and … Read more

From Kadambas to Hoysalas: contributions in the field of architecture, sculpture, literature and religion.

From Kadambas to Hoysalas: contributions in the field of architecture, sculpture, literature and religion.   The origins of the rise of the Karnataka region as an independent state trace back to the fourth-century A.D.  with the  birth of the Kadamba Dynasty of Banavasi after the disintegration of  Satavahana power in deccan.  The founder of this ancient great dynasty … Read more

Art Forms of Karnataka

Art Forms of Karnataka The southern Indian state of Karnataka  has a rich heritage of art and culture. From time immemorial, the region has been the origin and the culmination ground of Indian classical music and other art forms. Folk culture has its roots in this state and the art forms have heavily borrowed from … Read more

Vijayanagar -Political Social, Eonomic, Religions and Cultural life

Vijayanagara empire and their contribution to art, literature and culture –  socio-economic conditions, administration, fall of Vijayanagar empire The Vijayanagara Empire, an important South Indian empire was founded by Harihara Raya I and his brother Bukka Raya I. The capital of the empire was Vijayanagara, present days Hampi in Karnataka. The empire ruled from 1336 … Read more

The Satavahanas rule

Satvahanas After the fall of the Mauryan Empire, the history of the Andhras, as a continuous account of political and cultural events, commences with the rise of the Satavahanas as a political power. According to Matsya Purana there were 29 rulers of this dynasty. They ruled over the Andhradesa including Deccan for about 400 years … Read more

Socio- religious movements : Sufism and Bhakti movements

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Indian Cultural Heritage

Advent Of Islam Effects Of Aasana And Pranayama On Health (2) Growth Of Vernacular Languages Hindu Dharma Hindutva And Patriotism Islam Principles And Practices God, Confession Of Faith, Five Pillers Of Islam Islam Sacred Places, The Family System, Sharia, Sunni And Shia Jainism KHAJURAHO TEMPLES (1) Literary And Scholarly Studies During British Indi1 Socio Religious … Read more