Languages and Literature of Sikkim

Languages and Literature of Sikkim Today, all the main languages spoken in Sikkim have been given the status of a “State language”. Notably, Bhutia, Lepcha and Limboo languages have been included in college curricula, while other languages, such as Rai, Gurung, Pradhan (Newar), Mangar and Tamang, are taught till the secondary school level. Financial help … Read more

Migration of Meghalaya

Migration of Meghalaya Migration is a common phenomenon in developing country like India as well as the state of Meghalaya. North-East India has experienced two massive immigration waves in historical period of time. At the time of independence of India and formation of Bangladesh, Meghalaya also has experienced a significant proportion of immigration from Bangladesh. … Read more

World Wars

First World War Background It was a result of growing inter-imperialist rivalries, growing chauvinism, antagonism and conflicts within Europe, formation of alliances and secret pacts, growing militarization, feverish preparations for war, were some of the marked features that harbingered war. There had been a number of crises which were temporarily resolved, but led to deep … Read more

Languages and Literature of Assam

Languages and Literature of Assam Languages of assam Assamese Assamese is spoken all along the Brahmaputra valley and sounds quite sounds quite similar to Bengali to a non-speaker (i.e. non-Bengali or non-Assamese speaker), but have significant differences, especially in grammar, pronunciations and vocabularies. The oldest Assamese writer was perhaps Hema Saraswati, who wrote his famous … Read more

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and growth of Sufism

Religious and Cultural Activities – The rise and Growth of Sufism   Situated between Punjab and Delhi, Haryana had been the scene of frequent warfares which left disturbing effects and made life rather difficult. Although the Muslim rulers, by and large, adopted an intolerant Attitude towards the Hindus and frequently destroyed their holy places, the … Read more

Languages and Literature of Haryana

Languages and Literature of Haryana The main languages spoken by the people of Haryana are Haryanvi, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English. Many dialects have originated, which are spoken throughout the length and breadth of Haryana. However, almost all of them have their base in Hindi with a smattering of Urdu and Panjabi thrown in for … Read more

Art forms in Haryana

Art Forms in Haryana Sculpture  of Art forms in Haryana Rock and stone were the most common subjects for the development of art, right from the Maurya period to Harshavardhana to the Mughals and the British. Gods formed the basis of sculpture all over India, including Haryana. Sculptures in Art forms in Haryana were concentrated around central … Read more

Cultural Status Of Jharkhand

  Oral tradition as a basis of customary practices The Adivasi customary practices evolve from the praxis of oral traditional. In other words, the culture defines the customary practices. It is reflected in what people give value to and what they value. The event is important rather than the time in which it took place. … Read more

Jharkhand Culture, Traditions and Heritage.

,Jharkhand is a state in eastern India. It is home to a diverse Population of over 30 million people, who speak a variety of languages and practice different religions. The state is known for its rich culture and heritage, which is reflected in its art, music, dance, literature, language, religion, festivals, food, clothing, crafts, Sports, … Read more

JPSC Prelims Notes for History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of India

Ancient Period : [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”50″ tax_term=”1325″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] (i) The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features; (iilOrigin of the Aryans (iii) Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period. (iv) The Lichavi and their republican constitution. (v) The Rise of the Magadhan empire … Read more