Emergence of India as a Republic, Reorganization of States ,Major events of the post independence period

POST INDEPENDENT ERA The era after India’s independence from colonial rule starts with its partition into two halves – India and Pakistan. Lord Mountbatten became the first Governor General of free India and M.A. Jinnah that of Pakistan. The transition was violent, with blood curling massacres all over the country, ample proof to the historic … Read more

Tribe, Religion, Linguistic features

Populations-Tribe, Religion, Linguistic features Tribal Population Tribal peoples constitute 8.6 percent of India’s total population, about 104 million people according to the 2011 census (68 million people according to the 1991 census). This is the largest population of the tribal people in the world. One concentration lives in a belt along the Himalayas stretching through … Read more

National Integration in India

National Integration in India India is a country with a rich and diverse history and culture. It is home to people from different religions, languages, and ethnic groups. This diversity is one of the country’s strengths, but it can also be a source of tension. National integration is the process of bringing together the different … Read more

Reorganisation of States

Reorganisation of States The Reorganisation of States was a major administrative restructuring of India that took place in the 1950s and 1960s. The process was initiated by the Government of India in response to demands for greater autonomy and self-determination from various regions of the country. The Reorganisation of States Act, 1956, was the primary … Read more

Working Of The Constituent Assembly

The Constituent Assembly of India was a body of elected representatives convened in 1946 to draft the Constitution of India. The Assembly was composed of 389 members, elected by the provincial legislatures of British India. The Assembly met in New Delhi from December 9, 1946 to November 26, 1949, and adopted the Constitution of India … Read more


Regionalism Regionalism is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of local or regional interests as opposed to national interests. Regionalists often believe that their region has its own unique culture and identity that should be preserved, and they may advocate for greater autonomy or even independence for their region. Regionalism can be traced back … Read more