Essence of Ethics

Essence of Ethics Ethics   comes from Greek word “ethos” means character, habit, culture, ways of behaviour etc. Ethics is also called “moral philosophy”. The word “moral” comes from Latin word “mores” which signifies customs, character, behaviour, etc. Thus ethics may be defined as the systematic study of human actions from the point of view of … Read more

Localization of Industries

  [su_heading size=”21″]Types of Industries[/su_heading] Based on the value addition and tangibility broadly we can have three types of industries – primary industries,secondary industries and tertiary industries. Primary industries are usually very simple industries involving processing of raw materials to give input goods for secondary industries. Here value addition is usually minimal and they are … Read more

Vetti system in Telangana

  Telangana was a stronghold of artisan system people of various traditional caste occupations contributed significantly to the socio-economic and cultural life of the area. But selfish administrative Elements of the Nizam rule and the feudal landlords enjoyed “free” (vetti) Services of the artisans. Certain families in the village were to serve the landlords for … Read more

Enforceability of fundamental rights against state and others

Enforceability of Fundamental Rights against state and others Under Indian Consititution, All the Fundamental Rights are available against the ‘State’ but only 4 fundamental Rights are available against both State as well as against Private Individual. These Fundamental Rights are : ARTICLE 15(2) – Provides that No citizen shall be subject to any kind of … Read more

Information Technology Act 2000

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LAW INCLUDING CYBER LAWS (CONCEPTS, PURPOSE, PROSPECTS) In India, cyber laws are contained in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) which came into force on October 17, 2000. The main purpose of the Act is to provide legal recognition to electronic commerce and to facilitate filing of electronic records with the Government. … Read more

Advocate General of State

Advocate General of State The Advocate General of a State is a Constitutional post and authority duly appointed as per ARTICLE 165 of the Constitution of India. The authority and function of Advocate General is also specified in the Constitution of India under Article 165 and 177. Article 165: Advocate General for the State The … Read more

Provisions Of SC (1)

 Provisions of SC/ST Atricities act, The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to prevent atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The Act is popularly known as POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act, or simply the Atrocities Act. … Read more

New Developments In Criminal Laws

 New developments in criminal laws The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2018 The Lok Sabha has passed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill 2018 that proposes to enhance punishment for rape of a child. The Bill provides for death penalty as the maximum punishment in cases of rape of a child under 12. The Bill … Read more


 CONTRACTS AND Consumer protection A consumer contract is a legally binding agreement between you and the consumer concerning the sale of goods or the supply of Services. Elements of a Contract Offer An offer is a promise to act or refrain from acting, which is made in exchange for a return promise to … Read more

Bodies Constituted

 Bodies constituted, Policies, Programmes and Schemes for welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is the nodal Ministry to oversee the interests of the Scheduled Castes. Though the primary responsibility for promotion of interests of the Scheduled Castes rests with all … Read more