Comparative status of Developing, Emerging and Developed Countries,Problems of Developing Countries.- For RAS RTS Mains exam of RPSC

Various problems of developing countries are as follows:- The Uneven Pattern of Development:-The development gap has been widening for the very poorest countries. Lack of Resources for developement Inefficiency in resource use Inadequate Skilled human resources Stagnation in agricultural development Population Growth is one of the central problems of Economic Development. Some developing countries have … Read more

WTO agreement on agriculture

WTO agreement on agriculture The Agreement on Agriculture is one of the key agreements within the WTO system. Its importance is reflected by its presence as the first Agreement annexed to the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO. Market access Market access simply means the right which exporters have to access a foreign market. The WTO … Read more

Hcf And Lcm

  HCF & LCM HCF & LCM are acronym for words, Highest common factor and Lowest common multiple respectively. 1. H. C. F While we all know what a multiplication is like 2 * 3 = 6. HCF is just the reverse of multiplication which is known as Factorization. Now factorization is breaking … Read more


Fractions Any unit can be divided into any numbers of equal parts, one or more of this parts is called fraction of that unit. e.g. one-forth (1/4), one-third (1/3), three-seventh (3/7) etc. The lower part indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided, is called denominator. The upper part, which indicates the number of … Read more

Concept of Developing, Emerging and Developed countries.

  In 1978, the World Bank, for the first time, constructed an analytical country Classification system. The occasion was the launch of the World Development Report. Annexed to the report was a set of World Development Indicators (WDI), which provided the statistical underpinning for the analysis. The first economic classification in the 1978 WDI divided … Read more

Least Developed Countries Fund

The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) is a multi-donor fund that provides grants and concessional loans to the least developed countries (LDCs) to help them achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The LDCF was established in 1971 by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and is administered by the United Nations Development … Read more

Least Concern (LC)

The following are the subtopics under Least Concern (LC): Abundant Common Widespread Stable Not declining Not threatened Not endangered Not vulnerable Not near threatened Not data deficient Not extinct in the wild Not extinct Please note that this is just a list of subtopics, and there may be other subtopics that are not listed here. … Read more

Critically Endangered (CR)

The following are the sub topics for Critically Endangered (CR): Avian Mammalian Amphibian Reptilian Fish Invertebrate Plant Other Critically Endangered (CR) is the highest category of extinction risk on the IUCN Red List. A species is considered critically endangered if it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate … Read more

IUCN Classification

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is a comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of biological species. The list is maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), a global union of government and non-governmental organizations that is working to conserve nature and its resources, and to ensure that the benefits … Read more

The Red Data Book

The Red Data Book is a publication of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that lists species of plants and animals that are threatened with extinction. The Red Data Book is divided into three categories: Extinct (EX): A species is extinct when there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died. … Read more