Tribal population and their distribution

  Demographic Profile of the STs There are 32 tribes (2011) in Jharkhand of which Santhals are most numerous accounting for one third of the total tribal Population followed by Oraon, Munda and Ho contributing more than 10% to the total tribal population. Other tribes such as Kharwar, Lohra, Bhumij and Kharia have a share … Read more

Human Races

A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as inherently distinct by Society. India is a multicultural country. Anthropologists are committed to grasping the dynamics of communities and populations. As anthropology combines the premises of a biological as well as well as socio-cultural study, it looks at … Read more

Fusion of Classical and Folk

Fusion of Classical and Folk The fusion of classical and Folk Music is a long and rich tradition. It can be traced back to the early days of Western music, when composers began to incorporate elements of folk music into their works. This trend continued throughout the centuries, with composers such as Bach, Mozart, and … Read more

Independence Poverty Estimation

Here is a list of subtopics on post-independence poverty estimation: Methods of poverty estimation Data sources for poverty estimation Challenges in poverty estimation Trends in poverty Determinants of poverty Policies to reduce poverty Impact of policies on poverty Future of poverty estimation Methods of poverty estimation There are a number of different methods that can … Read more

The Portuguese

The Portuguese are a Romance ethnic group native to Portugal and the Azores, Madeira, and Cape Verde archipelagos. The Portuguese language is the official language of Portugal, Brazil, and eight other countries, and is spoken by about 250 million people worldwide. The Portuguese are a diverse group, with a wide range of cultural and religious … Read more

Classical Language

Classical Language Classical languages are the languages that were spoken and written in the ancient world, such as Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit. These languages are still studied today by scholars and students alike, as they provide a valuable insight into the history and culture of the ancient world. History of Classical Languages The study of … Read more

International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in The Hague in the Netherlands. The ICC was established by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on 17 July 1998 and began operations on 1 July 2002. The ICC has jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the most serious … Read more


What is Quo-Warranto? Quo warranto is a legal action that can be brought against a person or entity to challenge their right to hold a public office or franchise. The term comes from the Latin phrase “quo warranto ad officium vel possessionem aliquem inducis,” which means “by what warrant do you bring yourself into office … Read more

Musical instruments

Musical Instruments Introduction Musical instruments are objects that produce musical sounds. They are used in a variety of musical genres, including classical, jazz, rock, and pop. Musical instruments can be classified into four main categories: stringed instruments, wind instruments, percussion instruments, and keyboard instruments. Stringed Instruments Stringed instruments produce sound when a string is plucked, … Read more