Applications of Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS)

Remote Sensing Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation. In current usage, the term “remote sensing” generally refers to the use of satellite- or aircraft-based sensor technologies to detect and classify objects on Earth, including on … Read more

Environmental concerns of tourism industry, both positive and negative effects including climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh.

Environmental concerns of tourism Industry, both positive and negative effects including Climate change with reference to Himachal Pradesh Environmental concerns of tourism All too often, the Environment is the ultimate victim of development and expansion. Growth pressures have seen Dharamshala’s boundaries encroach on previously untouched land as the local Population and tourist demands stretch Biodiversity, … Read more

Impact of land reforms

Impact of Land reforms Land reforms are being attempted for two­fold reason: to improve production and productivity and the distribution of income/asset. Land reform measures are costless methods of increasing production in the agricultural sector. It serves the purpose of social Justice too. Let us see how far land reform measures have improved productive efficiency … Read more

Land reforms: I generation (1947-1970) and II generation land reforms (1970 onwards)- Abolition of Intermediaries : Zamindari, Jagirdari and Inamdari -Tenancy Reforms : Land ceiling

Land reforms Land reform is a broad term. It refers to an institutional measure directed towards altering the existing pattern of ownership, tenancy and management of land. It entails “a redistribution of the rights of ownership and/or use of land away from large landowners and in favour of cultivators with very limited or no landholdings.” … Read more

Land alienation in Scheduled areas

Land alienation in Scheduled areas Land is not only a tangible asset but is the mainstay of most of the rural folks as they are dependent on agriculture and allied activities. The tribal economy is also primarily agro-based and they have emotional attachment to land. But, with the opening of the tribal areas, the tribal … Read more

Peasant, Tribal and Workers Movements

Peasant, Women, Tribal and Workers Movements Peasant Movement:  Peasant movements or agrarian struggles have taken place from pre-colonial days. The movements in the period between 1858 and 1914 tended to remain localised, disjointed and confined to particular grievances. Well-known are the Bengal revolt of 1859-62 against the indigo plantation system and the ‘Deccan riots’ of … Read more

Workers and Tribal movements

Workers, Peasant And Tribal Movements In British India Indigo Revolt (1859-60) The Indigo revolt of Bengal was directed against British planters who forced peasants to take advances and sign fraudulent contracts which forced the peasants to grow Indigo under terms which were the least profitable to them.  The revolt began in Govindpur village in Nadia … Read more

Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule: Land Revenue Settlements in British India; -Commercialization of Agriculture; Rise of Landless Agrarian Labour; Famines and Poverty; De-industrialization; Decline of Traditional Crafts; Drain of Wealth

India’s traditional village economy was characterised by the “blending of agriculture and handicrafts”.  But this internal balance of the village economy had been systematically slaughtered by the British Government. In the process, traditional handicraft industries slipped away, from its pre-eminence and its decline started at the turn of the 18th century and proceeded rapidly almost … Read more

Land resources: competing uses of land- food, feed, fuel, and fibre; Mining and Environment

  Land is a finite resource. Land availability is only about 20% of the earth’s surface. Land is crucial for all developmental activities, for natural Resources, ecosystem Services and for agriculture. Growing Population, growing needs and demands for Economic Development, clean water, food and other products from Natural Resources, as well as degradation of land … Read more

Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle

Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle This movement was launched in the state of Andhra Pradesh against the former Nizam of Hyderabad. The agrarian social structure in the Nizam’s Hyderabad was of a feudal order. It had two kinds of land tenure systems, namely, raiyatwari and jagirdari. Under the raiyatwari system, the peasants owned patta and were … Read more