Tax and Economic reforms in Jammu and Kashmir

Tax and Economic Reforms in Jammu and Kashmir Economic Reforms In India were introduced in the year 1991. The reforms necessarily laid there influence on every state of the country and its every economic sector. The effect of India’s economic reforms on economic performance has been the subject of much academic study and public debate … Read more

Worker, Peasant and tribal Movement in Kerala

Worker, Peasant and tribal Movement in Kerala:- Worker and Peasant movement:- Peasants and workers also formed their organizations. They agitated for reforms.By 1930s a strong leftist movement emerged in Kerala. Socialism and Communism influenced many leaders and the Kerala Provincial Congress Committee was dominated by leftists were under the Leadership of EM.S. Nambuthiripad and P.S. … Read more

Revolt in Nagaland

Revolt in Nagaland The land of the Nagas was spread over India and Myanmar after India’s Independence, with much of the original Naga hills inculcated into Manipur, Assam and Arunachal. While many decrie the internecine violence among the insurgent factions, even senior government officials such as Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, support the insurgents’ goal … Read more

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland

Peasants and tribal movements in Nagaland Nagas Rebellion  Nagas were once head hunters, as they used to cut off the heads of the enemies and preserve them as trophies. But with the advent of Christianity and Education, the Nagas, comprising more than 30 tribes, have evolved a rich culture and tradition. The Naga national movement … Read more

Punjab Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Punjab PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy:- Introduction Punjab economy was India’s leading state economy during the pre-reforms era, especially after the Green Revolution. Thus, Punjab acquired the status of being the most vibrant and prosperous state. Over a long period, Punjab remained at the first position in terms of per-capita income. The state has lost … Read more

The Sur administrative reforms in Haryana

The Sur Administrative Reforms   Haryana was the ancestral home of Sher Shah. His grandfather Ibrahim Khan Sur who came from Afghanistan, served under Jamal Khan Sarang Khani of Hisar- Firuzah who bestowed on him ‘several villages in pargana Narnaul for the maintenance of forty horsemen’. His son, Hasan Khan, entered the service of Umar … Read more

The Satnami revolt

The Satnami revolt   An offshoot of the medieval Bhakti Movement, the Satnami movement had its origin in the Sadhs, a Unitarian sect founded in 1543 by Birbhan, of the village Bijesar of Narnaul pargana} It was probably a branch of the Raidasi jamayat (organization) founded after the famous saint Raidasa. Birbhan although claimed to … Read more

Haryana Tax and economic reforms

Haryana Tax and Economic Reforms   Haryana has risen as one of the quickly developing economies of the nation with amazing development amid most recent couple of years. At the season of its arrangement in 1966, it was modernly in reverse and predominately agribusiness commanded state. In spite of the fact that Haryana is little … Read more