Rivers and Drainage system of Odisha

Rivers and Drainage System of Odisha Following is the list of  important rivers of Odisha: Mahanadi Brahmani Baitarani Subarnarekha Budhabalanga Rushikulya Bahuda vamsadhara Nagavali Salandi Indirabati Kolab   Baitarani River  The Baitarani is one of the important east flowing rivers of peninsular India, flowing eastward and joining the Bay of Bengal. The river rises in … Read more


  Industry IN Tamil NADU    Introduction: The Industrial Sector is a driver of economic Growth. Industrial sector is important in terms of its contribution to Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) and EMPLOYMENT. This sector which is vital in stimulating growth of the economy is closely interconnected with primary and tertiary sectors through its forward … Read more

Introduction to Tamil Nadu economy

    Introduction to Tamil Nadu economy Tamil Nadu is the southernmost state of Indian peninsula.It Borders with (Union Territory of) Pondicherry, Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. Biggest part of Tamilnadu  make boundary with Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Mannar and Palk Strait in south and most part in Indian ocean. Tamilnadu is 11th largest … Read more

Main Features of Budget of Goa

Main Features of Budget of Goa The GSDP at constant (2011-12) prices for the year 2015-16 (Quick Estimates) is estimated at above 37,520 crore as against 34611 crore in the year 2014-15 thereby reflecting a Growth of 8.41 percent as against 9.64% in 2014-15. Growth rate projected an 11% growth in the GSDP(Gross state domestic … Read more

Economy growth of Jharkhand & Others policies of Jharkhand

  economy Growth of Jharkhand has been slow in comparison with the national Average. The economy depends mostly on mineral Resources, industries, agricultural, and tourism sectors. The State’s Gross Domestic Product amounted to US $ 14 billion in 2004, which moved to US $ 22.46 billion in 2010-11. Jharkhand‘s per capita income increased by 40.82 … Read more

Gujrat Schemes and Projects

Gujrat   Schemes and Projects 2017-18 Gyankunj E- Class Project Launched in Gujarat for Primary Students: Gujarat government has launched “Gyankunj E- Class Project” to promote digital Literacy among primary students in all government aided schools in the state. All the primary schools will be harnessed with high class facilities across the state. The aim of … Read more

Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other major democratic countries

Comparison Of The Indian Constitution With That Of Other Countries Salient Features of Indian Constitution The bulkiest constitution of the world The Indian constitution is one of the bulkiest constitution of the world, comprising of 395 articles, 22 parts and 12 schedules. So far the constitution underwent 100 amendments. Rigidity and flexibility  The Indian constitution … Read more

Employment generation and potential, Scope of future Industrialization of Himachal Pradesh

EMPLOYMENT generation and potential, Scope of future Industrialization of Himachal Pradesh Industries in himachal pradesh Micro and small enterprises At the time of independence, Himachal Pradesh was predominantly an agrarian economy. Almost all other items of common use were imported. During the nineties, the Growth rate remained more or less stable. The decade showed an … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Schemes and Projects

Himachal Pradesh Schemes and Projects Electronic Health Card Scheme: The govt. of Himachal Pradesh has launched “Electronic Health Card Scheme” in the state. The vision of scheme is to provide ‘LIVEWIRE’ that connect patients and their family members with the hospitals for cure of diseases. Under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), the state govt. also announced … Read more