RTI And Its Impact On Official Secrets Act

 RTI and its impact on Official Secrets Act Right To Information act 2005 “An Act to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote Transparency and Accountability in the working of every public … Read more

Combating Corruption Fami[y And Society Role

 0                                                combating Corruption   1.The first tool is ‘Education’. With the help of education we can reduce corruption. According to a report by Transparency International, the least corrupt state is Kerala, the reason being that Kerala’s Literacy rate is highest in India. So we can see how education effects education. In most of … Read more

Various Chemical And Biological Weapons

 Various chemical and biological weapons chemical weapons A chemical weapon is any toxic chemical that can cause death, injury, incapacitation, and sensory irritation, deployed via a delivery system, such as an artillery shell, rocket, or ballistic missile. Chemical weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction and their use in armed conflict is a … Read more

International Relations And Transparency

 <strong>     <u>The Concept of Transparency in International Relations</u></strong> Transparency is a political condition valued and pursued by countless actors in globalpolitics, and transparency promotion is central to an extensive range of policy issues.Development aid practices, Internet governance and surveillance, the accountability ofinternational institutions, Democracy promotion, nuclear weapons proliferation, and thepolitics of financial regulation … Read more

Foreign Trade Policy

 Planning and Foreign Trade Foreign Trade is the important factor in Economic Development in any nation. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from India. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry at the level of Central Government has responsibility to manage such operations. The domestic production reveals on … Read more

DPPQ- Basics of Economics

Question:Brach of Economics which examines the economic behaviour of Individual actors is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option2 Question:Brach of Economics which studies the intermediate level of economic organizations is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option3 Question:Study of POVERTY and Inflation is the scope of >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option1 Question:Keynesian macronimics suggests the following policies >>>contraction … Read more

Environmental legislation: International Law, Montreal protocol, Kyoto protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change, CITES.

Environmental Legislation The awareness and consideration for Environment covers several environmental issues such as pollution of water, air and Soil, land degradation, industrialization, Urbanization, depletion of natural Resources etc. Environmental Law plays a very crucial and important role in regulating the use of Natural Resources and in protecting the environment. The success of environmental legislations … Read more

Disaster Management- Introduction,National Disaster Management Policy, 2016 of India and Disaster management initiatives in India

Disaster Management History shows that India is exposed to national disasters. INFRASTRUCTURE; and other efforts to make the community more resilient to a catastrophic event. Preparedness Preparedness focuses on understanding how a disaster might impact the community and how education, outreach and training can build capacity to respond to and recover from a disaster. This … Read more

Institutions of developmental finance

Institutions of developmental finance A Development Financial institution (DFI) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide development/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the economy. the institution differentiates itself by a thoughtful balance between commercial norms of operation, as adopted by any financial institution … Read more

Money Laundering And Black Money

Money Laundering And Black Money Money Laundering Money laundering is the process of making large amounts of money generated by a criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process “launders” it to make it … Read more