Art & Architecture

Harappan Drainage System Rectangular intersecting roads Sanitary system Read moreArt & Architecture

Art Forms

 Indo-Greek Art and Architecture–Gandhara, Mathura and Amaravati Schools Cultural stonework in India – in the form of primitive cupule art– dates back to the era of prehistoric art of the Lower Paleolithic, around 700,000 BCE – see Bhimbetka Petroglyphs (Auditorium Cave and Daraki-Chattan Rock Shelter, Madhya Pradesh). By the time of the Bronze … Read more

Intermontane Plateaus

The following are subtopics of Intermontane Plateaus: Basin and Range Province Colorado Plateau Columbia Plateau Great Basin Intermontane Plateaus of the United States Snake River Plain Yellowstone Plateau The Intermontane Plateaus are a physiographic region of the western United States that includes the Basin and Range Province, the Colorado Plateau, the Columbia Plateau, the Great … Read more