Source Of Income

 Sources of Income of Central Government As we all know that India is a democratic country and the main aim of the government here is to increase the welfare of the people not the profit of the government. To increase the welfare of the people the Government of India has to start welfare … Read more


Monetary Policy TOOL: There are several direct and indirect instruments that are used for implementing monetary policy. Repo rate: The (fixed) interest rate at which the Reserve Bank provides overnight liquidity to banks against the collateral of government and other approved securities under the Liquidity Adjustment facility (LAF). Reverse Repo Rate: The (fixed) interest rate … Read more

Pattern Of Revenue Expenditure

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> In India, government expenditure – as per the provision in the Constitution – is divided into Revenue Expenditure and Capital Expenditure. However, the adoption of economic planning shifted emphasize on the division of expenditure into Plan and Non-Plan. The share of Non-Plan expenditure has remained close … Read more

Law making process

Parliament is a supreme law making body of the nation. Any proposed law is introduced in the Parliament as a bill. After being passed by the Parliament and getting the President’s assent it becomes a law. There are two kinds of bills:-(i) ordinary bill and (ii) Money bill. Every member of the Parliament has a … Read more


Fractions Any unit can be divided into any numbers of equal parts, one or more of this parts is called fraction of that unit. e.g. one-forth (1/4), one-third (1/3), three-seventh (3/7) etc. The lower part indicates the number of equal parts into which the unit is divided, is called denominator. The upper part, which indicates the number of … Read more

Important Formulas – Percentage

  Percentage Percent means for every 100 So, when percent is calculated for any value, it means that we calculate the value for every 100 of the reference value. percent is denoted by the symbol %. For example, x percent is denoted by x% x%=x/100 Example : 25%=25/100=1/4 To express x/y as a percent,we have x/y=(x/y×100)% Example : … Read more

Tax Evasion

Here is a list of sub topics without any description for Tax Evasion: Abatement Adjustment Assessment Audit Collection Criminal Investigation Enforcement Examination Fraud Interest Penalties Refund Return Statute of Limitations Tax Avoidance Tax Evasion Tax Shelter Tax evasion is the illegal act of willfully failing to pay taxes. It is a crime that can result … Read more

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA)

Double TaxationTaxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA): Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA): Introduction to DTAAs Objectives of DTAAs Scope of DTAAs Types of DTAAs Key provisions of DTAAs Benefits of DTAAs Challenges in implementing DTAAs Future of DTAAs Double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) are bilateral agreements between … Read more