Land alienation in Scheduled areas

Land alienation in Scheduled areas Land is not only a tangible asset but is the mainstay of most of the rural folks as they are dependent on agriculture and allied activities. The tribal economy is also primarily agro-based and they have emotional attachment to land. But, with the opening of the tribal areas, the tribal … Read more

Adivasi revolts in Telangana

Adivasi revolts Komaram Bheem Komaram Bheem belonged to Gond (Koitur) community, and was born in Sankepalli of Adilabad district, Telangana (in 1900). Adilabad district is located in north Telangana, making border with the state of Maharashtra. The region was predominantly populated by Gonds, and was under Sovereignty of Gond Kingdom of Chanda (Chandrapur) and Ballalpur. Bheem’s childhood was spent without any exposure … Read more

Rebellion in Chhattisgarh

Rebellion in Chhattisgarh Some of the important Rebellions  in Chhattisgarh are: Halba rebellion – started in 1774 and continued till 1779 Bhopalpatnam Struggle of 1795 Paralkot rebellion of 1825 Tarapur rebellion – started in 1842 continued till 1854 Maria rebellion – started in 1842 continued till 1863 First Freedom Struggle – started in 1856 continued … Read more

International Booster- Pro-democracy protests in Thailand

Pro-Democracy protests in Thailand Introduction Thousands of young people in Thailand are defying the authorities by gathering in the streets and calling for change in some of the biggest pro-democracy protests the country has seen in years.  An emergency decree banning such rallies was issued by the government in an attempt to clamp down on … Read more


 Nepotism Nepotism describes a variety of practices related to favoritism; it can mean simply hiring one’s own family members, or it can mean hiring and advancing unqualified or under-qualified family members based simply on the familial relationship. The word nepotism stems from the Latin word for “nephew,” especially the nephews of the prelates … Read more


What is an Oligarchy? An oligarchy is a form of government in which a small group of people holds power. The word oligarchy comes from the Greek words oligos, meaning “few,” and arkhein, meaning “to rule.” Oligarchies can be found in many different types of societies, including democracies, republics, and monarchies. In some cases, oligarchs … Read more