Gujarat: Drainage System

Gujarat have west flowing rivers of the country. These rivers form deep gorges and do not form deltas at the mouth of the river. Gujarat has many rivers; the four major rivers are mentioned here: Narmada, which originates at Amarkantak plateau and merges into the Arabian Sea at the end of its journey. For Hindus, … Read more

India’s Science and Technology policy

The thrust of the Scientific Policy Resolution, 1958 was on capacity-building in advancement of science as the foundation for making a strong nation, which had just freed itself from the shackles of colonial domination . The focus of the Technology Policy Statement, 1983 was attainment of technological self-reliance and building of national strength by reducing … Read more

Rights of differently-able persons and quality of life for them

Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, provides for medical facilities, Education, EMPLOYMENT, creation of barrier free Environment, social security etc. The State Government is instrumental in implementing the various provisions of the Act. The Department of Social Justice & Empowerment (SJ&E) is the nodal Department for coordinating and … Read more

Concept of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization and concept of Modernity.

Concept Of Decolonization, Nationalism and Socialism, Globalization-3/”>Globalization and Concept of Modernity Concept of Decolonization Decolonization refers to the undoing of colonialism, the establishment of governance or authority through the creation of settlements by another country or jurisdiction. The term generally refers to the achievement of independence by the various Western colonies and protectorates in Asia and [Africa]] following World War … Read more

Education ,Educational Infrastructure and Educational Policy of Himachal Pradesh

Education ,Educational Yoga Movement at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh. With the affirmed mission to “develop own self-respect which will guide to love nature, gentleness, concern for the environment, honesty, nobility, respect for others and wisdom.” This school has intake strength annually of250 international students and the demand is more than availability. Literacy Rate:- The literacy … Read more

Education for Girls, other Socially and Economically and other disadvantaged sections of people and Minorities

Despite national commitments through a host of constitutional provisions as well as programmes to fulfill them, of inequalities of different kinds continue to persist in all aspects of social life including Education. The benefits extended by the government, from time to time often do not reach a larger majority of Indians who mostly constitute Scheduled … Read more

Education for Girls, other Socially and Economically and other disadvantaged sections of people and Minorities, etc

Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of Social Change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational institutions … Read more


In societal development, conception of empowerment has vital role. This phrase is linked with