Renaissance and Reformation

The Renaissance and Reformation Greater travel, rising wealth and greater knowledge of outer world led to a new philosophy of life called renaissance. With rising material consumption, this worldly pleasures took place of Church advocated other worldly pleasure and hence human and not god became center of activities. Thus, humanism was a key feature of … Read more

Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution

Enlightenment and Industrial revolution Emergence and Background Beginning of geographical discoveries and direct sea routes opened new avenues of Trade and Commerce. It formed the bedrock of Industrial revolution as mismatch between demand and supply led to new innovative ways of enhancing production. Second factor was emergence of capitalist ideology. Profit making became the core … Read more

Golden Revolution

The Golden Revolution: A Quest for Sustainable and Equitable Food Security The term “Golden Revolution” has emerged in recent years to describe a global movement aimed at transforming the agricultural landscape. It goes beyond the traditional focus on increased production and seeks to achieve sustainable and equitable food security for all. This revolution encompasses a … Read more