Structure of Organisation

Organizing is the process of identification and grouping of activities, assigning duties and delegating authority to the managers, allocating necessary Resources and establishing coordination among individuals and department of an organization with a view to attain its objectives.   PROCESS OF ORGANIZING :   The process of organising consists of the following steps –   … Read more


In ancient and Medieval India, there was monarchical form of government and the general administration was run by people having near or distant relationship with the King instead of dedicated bureaucracy . But gradually the administration assumed complexities and this required specialist knowledge.The British rulers established a new form of administration analogous to their own … Read more

Principles of Public Administration

Principles of Public Administration Throughout the 20th century the study and practice of public administration has been essentially pragmatic and normative rather than theoretical and value free. This may explain why public administration, unlike some social sciences, developed without much concern about an encompassing theory. Not until the mid-20th century and the dissemination of the … Read more

Instituitional Structure

   QUICK REVISION: Art 4, Institutional structure for Nuclear Energy:   ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION: Governing body of the department of Atomic energy It is directly under the charge of the Prime Minister Set up on 10Aug, 1948 Function: Organise research in atomic science To train atomic scientist in the country To promote nuclear … Read more

Evolution of Public Administration in India

Public Administration is a sub-division of the broader concept of administration. Administration means ‘to serve’, or ‘to manage affairs’. In this sense, administration means management of the affairs of an organization. And Public administration means management of Governmental affairs and activities. Thus, Public administration is primarily concerned with the implementation of Governmental policies. History of … Read more