National Green Tribunal (NGT)

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is an environmental court established by the Government of India in 2010. It is a quasi-judicial body with jurisdiction over environmental matters. The NGT has its headquarters in New Delhi and has benches in Bhopal, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Pune. The NGT has the following sub-topics: Composition of the NGT … Read more

Difference between Legislative and Executive

The legislative and executive branches of government are two of the most important parts of any democracy. They are responsible for making and enforcing laws, respectively. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between them. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws. This is done by passing bills, which are … Read more

National Green Tribunal

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is an environmental court established by the Government of India in 2010. The NGT is a specialized tribunal with jurisdiction over all environmental matters, including air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution, and wildlife conservation. The NGT was established in response to the growing concern about environmental degradation in … Read more