Minimum Support Price (MSP)

  Historical context The emergence of agricultural Price Policy in India was in the backdrop of Food scarcity and price fluctuations provoked by drought, floods and international prices for exports and imports. This policy in general was directed towards ensuring reasonable food prices for consumers by providing food grains through Public Distribution System (PDS) and … Read more

Issues related to direct and indirect farm subsidies

  Subsidy is one of the powerful fiscal instruments, besides taxes and others, by which the objective of Growth and social Justice may be achieved.   Subsidies alter relative prices and budget constraints and thereby affect decisions concerning production, consumption and allocation of Resources. Like many other countries, subsidies in Indian economy are pervasive. These … Read more

Social customs in Uttar Pradesh

Social customs in Uttar Pradesh Society is Patriarchal like most of Uttar Pradesh and male elders are considered heads. Though many governmental schemes like LPG connection that is given only in the name of female elder of the house has brought somewhere female on front but in DECISION MAKING they are considered subordinate to men. … Read more

Separation of powers

The doctrine of the Separation of Powers finds its roots in the ancient world, where the concepts of governmental functions, and the theories of mixed and balanced government, were evolved. These were essential Elements in the development of the doctrine of the separation of powers. Their transmission through medieval writings, to provide the basis of … Read more

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) promotes accountability, transparency and Good Governance through high quality Auditing and accounting.The Comptroller and auditor general (CAG) of India is empower to audit all expenses from the combine Fund of the union or state governments, whether incurred within India or outside. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) … Read more

Role of Civil Services in a democracy

Values are the standards on which, we evaluate things. For every situation we don’t have time to ‘test’ the case on ethics theories such as utilitarianism. Values provide time saving short-cut in such situation. Under New public management (NPM), the concept of public Services is fast changing. Bureaucrat has become directly accountable to citizen-customer. He … Read more

Citizens charters and institutional measures

Citizen Charter The Citizens’ Charter is an instrument which seeks to make an organization transparent, accountable and citizen friendly. A Citizens’ Charter is basically a set of commitments made by an organization regarding the standards of service which it delivers. Every citizens’ charter has several essential components to make it meaningful; the first being the … Read more

Factors responsible for the location of industries (with special reference to India)

  [su_heading size=”21″]Types of Industries[/su_heading] Based on the value addition and tangibility broadly we can have three types of industries – primary industries,secondary industries and tertiary industries. Primary industries are usually very simple industries involving processing of raw materials to give input goods for secondary industries. Here value addition is usually minimal and they are … Read more

Uttar Pradesh: human resources and skill development

Uttar Pradesh: human Resources and Skill development The State has a reasonably large set up of ITIs/polytechnics and degree colleges imparting Education and training in vocational areas but the quantity as well as quality of trainings provided by these institutions is a cause of concern. The total availability of seats in these institutions (approximate annual … Read more