Geological history

  The spatial extent of Jharkhand State is approximately 21° 55’ to 25° 35’ North Latitude and 83° 20’ to 88° 02’ East Longitude. The state is land locked and it Shares its boundary with Orissa on the southeast, Chattisgarh on the southwest, Bihar on the north, West Bengal on the east and Uttar Pradesh … Read more

Evolution And Geomorphology Of The Indian Subcontinent

 Evolution and Geomorphology of the Indian Subcontinent About 140 million years ago the main landmass on Earth was concentrated together in a super continent called Gondwana which started to break up in four tectonic plates; African, Antarctic, Australian and Indian plates. The rifting is thought to be caused by the rising of a … Read more


Laterization Laterization is a process of SoilSoil formation that occurs in tropical and subtropical regions. It is characterized by the accumulation of iron and aluminum oxides in the upper layers of the Soil, and the leaching of silica and other bases. Laterization is caused by a combination of factors, including high rainfall, high temperatures, and … Read more

Splash Erosion

Splash Erosion Splash erosion is a type of SoilSoil erosion that occurs when raindrops hit the Soil and dislodge particles. The dislodged particles are then transported by the runoff water, which can carry them away from the soil surface. Splash erosion is a major problem in many parts of the world, and it can have … Read more

Rectangular Drainage Pattern

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Rectangular Drainage Pattern: Drainage pattern Rectangular drainage pattern Causes of rectangular drainage pattern Examples of rectangular drainage pattern Effects of rectangular drainage pattern How to identify a rectangular drainage pattern How to map a rectangular drainage pattern How to measure the rectangularity of a drainage … Read more

Ground Water as Geomorpholigcal agent

The following are the subtopics of Ground Water as Geomorpholigcal agent: Groundwater flow Groundwater erosion Groundwater deposition Groundwater karstification Groundwater geochemistry Groundwater and Climate Change Groundwater and human activity Groundwater management Groundwater sustainability Groundwater governance Groundwater research Groundwater education Groundwater advocacy Groundwater awareness Groundwater is a vital part of the Earth’s water cycle. It is … Read more