Management Of Land And Water Resources (1)

 Soil fertility depleted, the rivers polluted and the forests destroyed. The Indian Scenario India constitutes 18 per cent of the world’s Population, 15 per cent of the live stock population and only 2 per cent of the geographic area, one per cent of the forest area and 0.5 per cent of pasture lands. … Read more

Fauna And Floral Geography

 Fauna and Flora Geography: Wild Animals, Animals, Birds, Reptiles, Mammals, Trees and Plants and others Flora is the name given to the collective plant life that grows or once grew in a certain area or during a given time period. It usually refers to the native plant life present but does include new … Read more

Soil reclamation -(Land reclamation)

Biodiversity: Soil reclamation can help to increase biodiversity by providing a more suitable habitat for plants and animals. Challenges of soil reclamation: Soil reclamation can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it can be expensive. There are a number of challenges that can be associated with soil reclamation, including: The type of damage that … Read more

Earthquakes And Volcanoes

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> : Types, distribution and their impact:- Earthquake:- The study of seismic waves provides a complete picture of the layered interior. An earthquake in simple words is shaking of the earth. It is a natural event. It is caused due to release of energy, which generates waves … Read more

Earth in Solar system, Motion of the Earth

The Solar System consists of the Sun and its eight main planets, their satellites, asteroids, comets, meteors and other dwarf planets. The Sun is at the one of the two “centers” of The Solar System and the planets revolving around it in elliptical orbits. The sun is in the centre of the solar system. It … Read more

Wegner’s Continental Drift Theory

    Alfred Wegner was a German Meteorologist in the early 1900s who studied ancient climates. Like most people, the jigsaw puzzle appearance of the Atlantic continental margins caught his attention. He put together the evidence of ancient glaciations and the distribution of fossil to formulate a theory that the continents have moved over the … Read more

Orogenic or the mountain-forming movements

  Orogenic or the mountain-forming movements act tangentially to the earth surface, as in Plate tectonics. Tensions produces fissures (since this type of force acts away from a point in two directions) and compression produces folds (because this type of force acts towards a point from two or more directions). In the Landforms so produced, … Read more


  Soil Soil is a complex and dynamic natural resource that plays a vital role in the Earth’s ecosystem. It is the foundation for plant growth, and it provides a home for a wide variety of organisms. Soil also helps to regulate the climate, and it filters and stores water. Soil Formation Parent material Climate … Read more

Soil Profile

SoilSoil Profile A Soil profile is a vertical section of the soil that shows the different layers of soil. The layers of soil are formed by the interaction of the parent material, climate, organisms, and time. The parent material is the material from which the soil is formed. It can be rock, sand, or other … Read more