Indicator of development, Human development & Economic development

Human Development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. The most critical ones are to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living. Additional choices include political freedom, guaranteed Human Rights and self-respect.Human development has to be development of the people, by the people, for the … Read more

Structural changes in the Indian Economy ( GDP and work force)

INFRASTRUCTURE, and the rise of a middle class. Another significant structural change has been the decline in the share of EMPLOYMENT in agriculture. In the early 1990s, more than half of India’s workforce was employed in agriculture. However, by 2017, this share had fallen to just 46%. The decline in agricultural employment has been driven … Read more

Sectoral Trends In National Income Of India

 Sectoral trends in NATIONAL INCOME of India In 1950-51, the share of the primary sec­tor in GDP was as high as 55.8%, while that of the Secondary Sector was only 15.2%. There has been a steady decline in the share of Primary Sector since then. It fell to 26% in 2000-01. On the … Read more


Question:Machineries in an Industry are an example of >>>WORKING CAPITAL >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production Capital >>>option2 Question:Finished goods in an industry are an example of >>>Working Capital >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production Capital >>>option1 Question:Money invested by a venture capitalist in an industry is an example of >>>Working Capital >>>Fixed Capital >>>Financial Capital >>>Production … Read more

Sectoral Composition With Respect To Contribution To Gross Domestic Product

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> (GDP) and EMPLOYMENT Historically, India has classified and tracked its economy and GDP in three sectors: agriculture, Industry and Services. Agriculture includes crops, INFRASTRUCTURE operations, Education, Health care, Banking and insurance, and many other economic activities. Agriculture India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and … Read more

Economic, social and environmental sustainability; concept of Green GDP; Strategy and policy for sustainable development in India

Economic, social and environmental sustainability The United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a universal and transformative development strategy. The 2030 Agenda commits the global community to “achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions—economic, social and environmental—in a balanced and integrated manner”. Bruntland Report … Read more