Comparison of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other major democratic countries

Comparison Of The Indian Constitution With That Of Other Countries Salient Features of Indian Constitution The bulkiest constitution of the world The Indian constitution is one of the bulkiest constitution of the world, comprising of 395 articles, 22 parts and 12 schedules. So far the constitution underwent 100 amendments. Rigidity and flexibility  The Indian constitution … Read more

Source Of Energy

 Conventional and New Source of Energy   Energy is one of the most important component of economic Biomass, coal, Geothermal Energy, hydroelectric energy, Nuclear Energy, oil and natural gas, solar energy, and wind energy. Biomass is a RENEWABLE ENERGY source that comes from plants and other organic materials. Biomass can be used to … Read more

Electric Discharge In Gases

 Electric discharge in gases Electrical discharge through gases is studied by using a specially designed glass tube commonly called as a discharge tube. It consists of a cylindrical glass tube having a side tube, and two metallic electrodes one at each end. These electrodes can be connected to the respective terminals of a … Read more

Fusion of Classical and Folk

Fusion of Classical and Folk The fusion of classical and Folk Music is a long and rich tradition. It can be traced back to the early days of Western music, when composers began to incorporate elements of folk music into their works. This trend continued throughout the centuries, with composers such as Bach, Mozart, and … Read more

Classification of Indian Music

Classification of Indian Music Indian music is a diverse and complex art form with a long and rich history. It can be classified into two main categories: classical music and Folk Music. Classical music   Folk music Classification of Indian Classical Music Hindustani Music Carnatic Music Classification of Indian Folk Music Tribal music Non-tribal music … Read more

History of Indian Music

History of Indian Music Indian music is one of the oldest and most diverse musical traditions in the world. It has a rich history that dates back over 3,000 years. Indian music is characterized by its use of complex rhythms, melodies, and harmonies. It is also known for its use of instruments such as the … Read more