Orissa handicrafts

  Orissan craftsmanship is unique for its technical perfection and artistic excellence. The Orissan handicrafts, dominated by religious themes, are a fascinating combination of beauty, grace and utility. The creations are gorgeously alive, blending the modern with the traditional and the material range from grass to Metal. The workmanship and skills of Oriya artists are … Read more


Literacy level and educational attainment are vital indicators of development in a Society. Attainment of universal primary Education which was one of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations to be achieved by the year 2015 has not been fulfilled by India. Planning Commission also targeted in the The 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) aims at an increase in literacy rates … Read more

Basics of different types of Budgeting, Budgetary control

Basics of different types of BUDGETING, Budgetary control Table of Content:- Budgeting- Different types of Budgeting Budgetary Control Responsibility Accounting Social Accounting Different types of Deficits- Budgetary Fiscal Revenue Deficit   Budgeting Budgeting is the process of estimating the availability of Resources and then allocating them to various activities of an organization according to a … Read more

Types of Planning

Here is a list of types of planning without any description: Strategic planning Operational planning Tactical planning Functional planning Project planning Business planning Marketing planning Financial planning Human resources planning Production planning Supply chain planning Inventory planning Quality planning Risk management planning Crisis management planning Disaster recovery planning Continuity planning Environmental planning Social planning Economic … Read more