Ahom Policy towards the neighbouring hill tribes

Except the kingdom of Jayantia, Ahom relations with the Kacharis , the Khasis and Garos were quite cordial. Assam’s contacts with the Garos were mainly confined to the tribes living in the south bank of the Brahmaputra and the Ahom policy was one of conciliation and friendship so that commercial intercourse could be there. Sukapha … Read more

Social Values

Social Values Social value is the term used to describe the additional value created as an indirect result of a publicly funded service being delivered. For example, a homelessness organisation funded to provide hostel space for the homeless may create additional value by also providing routes into EMPLOYMENT and training for its service users. Or, … Read more

Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh

Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh Raja Nal and Mata Damyanti Damayanti chose Nala for her husband in preference to the gods. This angered one of the demigods, Kali. He caused Nala to lose his kingdom and all his possessions. Nala and Damayanti went into the forest, but got separated. They took up work under … Read more

Self Help Groups

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”> (SHGs) and Civil Society in India The (SHG) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago in order to alleviate POVERTY, and improve Women’s ability to achieve rights and well-being. At the beginning, SHG was an initiative undertook by NGOs, but later on, due to its … Read more

Ethics in private and public relationships

Ethics in private and public relationships An inadequate way of resolving the problem consists in thinking that public ethics should be an exact equivalent of personal ethics. This is the type of solution that Aristotle gives to our problem. For Aristotle, the ethical perfection of man is developed and expressed completely and thoroughly within the … Read more

Human relationships in the society and in the Nature

Man is a social animal. He lives in social groups in communities and in Society. Human life and society almost go together. Man cannot live without society. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and to continue. The relationship … Read more

Famous Sayings

        I wish for a peaceful term of India. I cannot forget that in the sky of India ,   Lord Canning serene as it is, a small cloud may arise ………..threaten to burst & overwhelm.     ‘a battle of blacks against the whites’ (on 1857 revolt)   J.W. Kaye The … Read more


h2>Unveiling the Beauty of Vikramorvasiyam: An Ancient Indian Masterpiece Vikramorvasiyam, composed by the legendary Sanskrit/>Sanskrit/>Sanskrit poet Kalidasa/>Kalidasa/>Kalidasa, stands as a testament to his unparalleled literary prowess and artistic brilliance. This timeless play is celebrated for its captivating storyline, vivid imagery, and profound exploration of human emotions. Plot Summary and Key Characters of Vikramorvasiyam Love and … Read more