Battle of Plassey(1757)

Battle of Plassey Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah Robert Clive East India Company Mir Jafar Mir Qasim The Battle Aftermath Significance Legacy References The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory of the British East India Company over the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj ud-Daulah, on 23 June 1757. The battle took place near the village of Plassey, … Read more

The Dutch(1602-1759)

The Dutch (1602-1759) Dutch Golden Age Dutch Republic Dutch East India Company Dutch West India Company Tulip mania Eighty Years’ War Peace of Westphalia Glorious Revolution War of the Spanish Succession Seven Years’ War American Revolutionary War Batavian Revolution French Revolutionary Wars Napoleonic Wars Kingdom of the Netherlands United Kingdom of the Netherlands Belgian Revolution … Read more

Right to Be Forgotten

The Right to Be Forgotten is the right of individuals to request that search engines remove links to information about them that is “inaccurate, inadequate, irrelevant or excessive.” The right was first recognized by the European Court of Justice in 2014, and it has since been implemented by search engines such as Google and Microsoft. … Read more

Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1638-1643 AD)

Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689) was a French jeweller and traveller who made seven long journeys to India, Persia, and Central Asia between 1638 and 1668. He was one of the first Europeans to visit many parts of these regions, and his accounts of his travels provide valuable insights into the cultures and societies of the time. … Read more