Architecture of tamil nadu

Architecture of Tamil nadu Pallava Architecture The Pallava rock-cut temples are of Mahendravarman style. He carved temples out of the rocks and thus they were known as rock cut temples. It was really an innovation in the sphere of art because he did not use any other building materials. Therefore, he was hailed s Vichitra … Read more

Miscellaneous Facts About Rajasthan

Manrega Pays st ÿ From 1 april 2016 the MANREGA Pays will be 181 Rs from 173 Rs earlier   Jaipur Hand   ÿ Selected in the list of Best Inovation ÿ To be developed like Jaipur foot   1491 KM   ÿ Distance covered by Bharatmala Project in the state   War Museum   … Read more

Malkhed fort

Malkhed Fort Malkhed Fort is a 12th-century fort located in the town of Malkhed in the Gulbarga district of Karnataka, India. The fort was built by the Chalukya dynasty and was later occupied by the Hoysalas, the Yadavas, and the Mughals. The fort is now in ruins, but it is still an important historical site. … Read more