Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir Livelihood of the majority of the Population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, … Read more

Migration of Meghalaya

Migration of Meghalaya Migration is a common phenomenon in developing country like India as well as the state of Meghalaya. North-East India has experienced two massive immigration waves in historical period of time. At the time of independence of India and formation of Bangladesh, Meghalaya also has experienced a significant proportion of immigration from Bangladesh. … Read more

Assam-Vegetation and Forest

India is one of the 17 Megabiodiverse countries in the world and accounts for 7-8 % of the recorded species. The State of Assam is a constituent unit of the Eastern Himalayan Hinduism (B) Islam (C) Christianity (D)

Assam :industrial development

The Assam economy and development depend on the production of the state. The economy is prevalently agrarian in nature. The government makes continuous efforts to develop the already existing agrarian economy and to improve the other sectors of the economy in the state of Assam. Almost 63 percent of the Society of Assam earns its living from … Read more

Hydropower and Irrigation projects

Hydropower and Irrigation projects   Rihand Dam – This is the largest multi-purpose project of Uttar Pradesh, straight gravity concrete dam across the river Rihand (a Tributary of the Son river) near village Pipri in Sonbhadra district. The water so impounded is col­lected in Govind Ballabh Pant Sagar reservoir. Dam is used for irrigation and … Read more

Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh

agriculture in Himachal Pradesh Introduction: Himachal Pradesh describe by the ancients as “DevBhoomi”  (Abode of the Gods), is situated in the heart of the Himalayas in the northern part of India. It has a geographical area of 55.67 lakh hectrares by professional surveys. Most of which is under forests, pastures and grazing lands. Less than … Read more

Plants and mankind, characteristics of plants, structure and function of plant cells and organelles;

  Objects having characteristics of cellular organization, Growth, Reproduction, ability to sense Environment and give response are living organisms. There are some important features of living organisms: It should grow, which means its structure changes as time goes by in an advantageous manner. It should show adaptation to the environment. It should maintain some balanced … Read more

Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites system.

Remote sensing refers to the measurement or acquisition of information about an object or phenomena from a distance without physical contact by using devices or sensors mounted on some platform. Remote sensors collect data by detecting the energy that is reflected from Earth. These sensors can be on satellites or mounted on aircraft. Remote sensors can … Read more

Tax and Economic Reforms of Uttarakhand

  Economic Profile Uttarakhand is one of the fastest growing states of the India. The State’s economy grew at an annual Growth rate of over 10 percent during the last decade. In terms of economic growth, the state’s performance has been above the national Average from 2002-03 to 2010-11. The high growth led to rapid … Read more

Trade Commerce and Industries of Uttarakhand

  Blessed with almost all agro-geo climatic zones, Uttarakhand has immense potential forhorticulture and floriculture-related business. The state has 175 rare species of medicinal and aromatic Plants. Forest area covers about 68.4% of the state. The state’s forest revenues increased at a Growth rate of 9.50% between 2004-05 and 2013-14 to reach $61.58 million in … Read more