Concept of organic farming, seed certification

Concept of Organic Farming, seed certification Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing Farming practices. Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic agriculture organizations today. It relies on Fertilizers of organic origin such as Compost Manure, green manure, and Bone Meal … Read more

Cottage and Small Scale Industries. in Himachal Pradesh

Cottage and Small Scale Industries. in Himachal Pradesh Industrialization in Himachal Pradesh is comparatively a recent phenomenon. The severe climatic conditions topographical and geographical severities throw challenges in the process of industrialization. In such a scenario, the benefits in the form of incentives and subsidies as well as the development of appropriate Horticulture, Forestry, mining, … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh

 Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to Plants at needed intervals. It helps grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Types of irrigation Surface irrigation- Itis the oldest form of irrigation and has been in … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Food security

Himachal Pradesh Food Security Himachal is one of the most dynamic hill states of India with significantly high indicators of Human Development. Its natural Resources and physiography, separate administrative identity, and notable accomplishments in Literacy hold the promise of great progress. Congress government in Himachal Pradesh had implemented the ambitious food security programme of UPA … Read more

Major Food and Non-Food crops

  In India around 70% of the Population earns its livelihood from agriculture. It fulfills the basic need of human beings and animals. It is an important source of raw material for many Agro Based Industries. India’s geographical condition is unique for agriculture because it provides many favorable conditions. There are plain areas, fertile Soil, … Read more

Food Processing

Food Processing, and Food Packaging & Marketing Food Processing Industry (FPI) in India is a sunrise sector that has gained prominence in the recent years. Easy availability of raw materials, changing lifestyles and favourable fiscal policies has given a considerable push to the industry’s Growth. FPI serves as a vital link between the agriculture and … Read more

Impact of land reforms

Impact of Land reforms Land reforms are being attempted for two­fold reason: to improve production and productivity and the distribution of income/asset. Land reform measures are costless methods of increasing production in the agricultural sector. It serves the purpose of social Justice too. Let us see how far land reform measures have improved productive efficiency … Read more