Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): Reclaiming Traditional Wisdom for Sustainable Farming

The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), launched in 2015, is a centrally sponsored scheme that encourages organic farming in cluster-based mode. The scheme recognizes that traditional and indigenous agricultural practices have inherent strengths rooted in sustainability and harmony with nature. PKVY seeks to leverage this wisdom for promoting chemical-free cultivation and enhancing the income of … Read more

Soil Health Card Scheme (SHCS): Revitalizing India’s Soils

The Soil Health Card Scheme (SHCS), launched in 2015, is a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing soil health and boosting farm productivity in India. Recognizing soil as a vital living resource, this scheme brings science-backed knowledge to farmers’ doorsteps by providing them with customized nutrient management strategies based on their soil’s unique characteristics. Understanding Soil … Read more

Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan: Boosting Agriculture and Empowering Farmers

The Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan, launched in 2016-17, is a focused campaign by the Government of India aimed at providing integrated support to farmers and accelerating the adoption of best practices in agriculture. This intensive drive focuses on select villages with a high concentration of farmers, aiming to enhance productivity, promote sustainable farming techniques, and improve … Read more

Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme: Fueling India’s Green Future

The Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme is a flagship initiative by the Government of India aimed at progressively increasing the blending of ethanol in petrol, offering multiple economic, environmental, and strategic benefits for the nation. Ethanol, a biofuel derived from plant-based sources, is a cleaner and renewable alternative to fossil fuels. Objectives of the EBP … Read more

Operation Greens: Stabilizing Prices, Boosting Farmer Incomes

Operation Greens, launched in 2018 under the Union budget, is a revolutionary scheme designed to address the volatility in the prices of perishable commodities like Tomatoes, Onions, and Potatoes (TOP). The scheme aims to protect both farmers from price fluctuations and consumers from sudden price spikes. Key Objectives of Operation Greens Price Stabilization: Ensure price stability … Read more

National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan): Building a Healthy and Nourished India

The National Nutrition Mission, popularly known as POSHAN Abhiyaan (Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition), is a flagship program launched in 2018 by the Government of India. It represents a concerted effort to tackle the multi-faceted problem of malnutrition in the country. India’s Malnutrition Challenge India faces a unique challenge referred to as the … Read more

Green Revolution

The Green Revolution was a period of agricultural development that began in the mid-20th century and focused on increasing crop yields through the use of new technologies, such as high-yield varieties of crops, fertilizers, and pesticides. The Green Revolution was a major success, and it helped to increase food production around the world. However, it … Read more