Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir Livelihood of the majority of the Population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, … Read more

Animal Husbandry of West Bengal

Animal Husbandry of West Bengal Share of animal Resources and fishery in the total agricultural output stands presently at about 26%. In the State, the Livestock Sector contributes 4.41% of the total SDP and 18.6% of the Agricultural SDP. Animal Husbandry practice is a part of household activities in the rural areas mostly for meeting … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Nagaland

Animal Husbandry of Nagaland Nagaland, the smallest hilly state situated at the extreme northeastern end of India, lies between 25° 6′ and 27° 4′ latitude, North of Equator and between the Longitudinal line 93° 20’ E and 95° 15’E. The state Shares its boundary with Assam on the West, Myanmar on the East, Arunachal Pradesh … Read more

Agriculture of Tamilnadu

agriculture of Tamilnadu Introduction Agriculture is socially, economically and culturally entwined with the lives of people of Tamil Nadu. Agriculture cannot be easily dispensed with as it is the key component of economic Growth and development. Agriculture is undergoing perceptible changes as it gets transformed from a traditional to modern economy which is an important step towards Economic … Read more

Goa : Schemes and Projects

Goa : Schemes and Projects State Government has proposed various schemes to provide welfare to all the communities so as to provide inclusive development of all. Goa’s per capita income was RS 2,71,793, which was one of the highest among all states. So there is no benefit of growing without the welfare of all the … Read more

An Introduction to Goa Economy

An Introduction to Goa economy Goa is located in the western region of India. The state Shares its borders with the Arabian Sea to the west, Maharashtra to the north and Karnataka to the south and the east. Due to its scenic beauty, cultural diversity and architectural splendor of its temples churches and monuments it … Read more

Fishing of Goa for Goa PSC

Fishing of Goa India is that the second largest producer of fish within the world with a share of 5.68% of the world’s total and conducive a price of Rs 30,213 crore through exports throughout 2013-14,  India‘s INFRASTRUCTURE facilities. The liberalized policy of the govt. is another important issue for the fisheries business to draw … Read more

Assam :industrial development

The Assam economy and development depend on the production of the state. The economy is prevalently agrarian in nature. The government makes continuous efforts to develop the already existing agrarian economy and to improve the other sectors of the economy in the state of Assam. Almost 63 percent of the Society of Assam earns its living from … Read more

Assam Fisheries

    Present Status: Fish occupies an important place in the lives of the people of the State and fish farming has been one of the common activities in the rural areas. Thus, the Fishery Sector is considered as an important economic activity in the socio-economic context in the state of Assam. Assam is endowed … Read more

Animal Husbandary of Haryana

Animal Husbandary of Haryana In India, Animal Husbandry and dairying are important economic activities accounting for approximately 33 percent of the agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP). India is the largest producer of milk having achieved an annual production of 146.3 million tons in 2014-15. As the economy grows and income increases, a World Bank study … Read more