Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir

Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir Livestock is one of the widely expanding sectors and over the years the sector has established its importance in development of rural economy. The sector not only supplements income of the farmers but also provides gainful EMPLOYMENT on one hand and supplements the vital and varied nutritional requirements of … Read more

Fishing in Kerala

Fishing in Kerala Kerala is the only region in India where fish Resources are rich and no other state possesses fish workers as intelligent and work conscious as those in Kerala Kerala is one of the leading maritime states in India. The state of Kerala situated in the south west part of peninsular India has … Read more

Drainage system and River of Sikkim

Drainage System and River of Sikkim Sikkim is a small Himalayan state in north-east India situated between 27degree 00’ 46″ to 28 degree 07’ 48″ N latitude and 88 degree 00’ 58″ to 88 degree 55’ 25″E longitude with geographical area of 7,096 sq km constituting only 0.22% of total geographical area of India. It … Read more

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal Climate is a major determinant of forest types and on a broad sense; rainfall is major factor though temperature, Soil, topography etc., play a dominant role. On the other hand, forests exert a great influence on the climate of a country by retaining moisture in the Atmosphere. They prevent rapid … Read more

Fishing in west bengal

Fishing in west bengal West Bengal has a vast water resource potentiality. By utilising these water Resources there is a great prospect of pisciculture. These resources can be divided into two categories : 1.Inland Water Resources and Marine Water Resources Inland resources constitute ponds, rivers, marshy lands, canals, reservoirs etc. Development of Pond Fishery Although … Read more

River and drainage system of Nagaland

River and Drainage System of Nagaland Nagaland, the smallest hilly state situated at the extreme north-eastern end of India, lies between 25° 6′ and 27° 4′ latitude, North of Equator and between the Longitudinal line 93° 20’ E and 95° 15’E. The state Shares its boundary with Assam on the West, Myanmar on the East, … Read more

Fishing in Odisha

Fishing  in Odisha Odisha is one of the major maritime States, offering vast scope for development of inland, brackishwater and marine INFRASTRUCTURE. A difficulty in imposing any limitation or stringent action on over-fishing, as fishing is a livelihood option for majority of poor people. Siltation of the fishery harbours and fish landing centres because of … Read more

Assam Fisheries

    Present Status: Fish occupies an important place in the lives of the people of the State and fish farming has been one of the common activities in the rural areas. Thus, the Fishery Sector is considered as an important economic activity in the socio-economic context in the state of Assam. Assam is endowed … Read more

Fishing of Haryana

Fishing of Haryana The State of Haryana, which was carved out of most backward region of erstwhile Punjab in 1966, has now earn a reputation of being one of the most prosperous State in the country. The State has good water Resources in the shape of rivers, canals, drains, natural and man madelakes / reservoirs / … Read more

Rivers of Uttar Pradesh

  Ganga- Ganga is formed by 6 headstreams and 5 of their confluences. Bhagirathi is considered as source of river ganga which rises at the foot of gangotri glacier at gamukh at an elevation of 3892 mts, though there are many small streams that feed bhagirathi . The six headstreams are the Alaknanda, Dhauliganga, Nandakini, … Read more