Mazor Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources : Iron-Ore: India possesses high quality iron-ore in abundance. The total reserves of iron-ore in the country are about 14.630 million tonnes of haematite and 10,619 million tonnes of magnetite. Haematite iron is mainly found in Chbattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Goa and Karnataka. The major deposit of magnetite iron is available at western coast … Read more

Non-banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s

Non-Banking financial institutions and their reforms in them since 1990s A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances, acquisition of Shares, stock, Bonds hire-purchase insurance business or chit business but does not include any institution whose principal business … Read more

Development Administration

Development is the end result of Public Administration. The paradigm of development is depending on the nature of government and its policies. It may be ideologically driven or ethically motivated. It strips off the orthodox structuralism of public administration as put forward by classical Administrative theorists and attempts to cater the emerging need of a … Read more

Personnel, Financial, Administrative Law

Personnel Law Human resource managers in the twenty-first century are faced with an unprecedented intrusion of law into the workplace. The recent rise in EMPLOYMENT litigation and heightened awareness of employee rights in the last decade should signal to management that now more than ever, educating personnel executives in the trends and developments of employment … Read more

Self help groups in Karnataka

Self Help Groups in Karnataka The economy of Karnataka is essentially an agrarian and rural economy. It accounts for 56 per cent of workforce of the State. In addition it supports other economic activities such as Industry, transport, Trade and Commerce, etc. The rural economy supplies food articles and home-made products to non-farm sector. The … Read more

Micro finance institutions in Karnataka

Micro finance institutions in Karnataka The origin of microfinance in Karnataka dates back to 1984 when Mysore Resettlement and Development Agency (MYRADA), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) engaged in rural development and based in Karnataka, promoted several co-operative societies that extended loans to their members (Fernandez, 2004). Later in the mid-1980s, the National Bank for agriculture … Read more

Senior Citizens acts and Policies

  Hindus Laws Amongst the Hindus, the obligation of sons to maintain their aged parents, who were not able to maintain themselves out of their own earning and property, was recognized even in early texts. And this obligation was not dependent upon, or in any way qualified, by a reference to the possession of family … Read more