State Legislature : Organization, Powers and functions

Articles 168 to 212 in Part VI of the Constitution deal with the organisation, composition, duration, officers, procedures, privileges, powers and so on of the State Legislature.In most of the States, the Legislature consists of the Governor and the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha). This means that these State have unicameral Legislature. In a Six States( … Read more

Basic structure of the Indian Constitution

The Basic Structure Doctrine is an Indian judicial principle that the Constitution of India has certain basic features that cannot be altered or destroyed through amendments by the parliament. Key among these “basic features”, are the Fundamental Rights granted to individuals by the constitution. The doctrine thus forms the basis of a limited power of the Indian … Read more

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Salient features of the Indian Constitution.

Lengthiest Written Constitution: Originally our constitution contained 395 articles divided in 22 parts and 8 schedules. Constitution has been amended 98 times. Currently there are 25 Parts, 12 Schedules, and 448 Articles. These figures show our constitution as the most comprehensive constitution in the world. (British have no written constitution and Constitution of USA had … Read more

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Separation of powers

The doctrine of the Separation of Powers finds its roots in the ancient world, where the concepts of governmental functions, and the theories of mixed and balanced government, were evolved. These were essential Elements in the development of the doctrine of the separation of powers. Their transmission through medieval writings, to provide the basis of … Read more

Politics of sub-regionalism and pressure groups in the State

Politics of sub-Regionalism and pressure groups in the Himachal Pradesh:- A sub-region refers to a small area within a region. Due to various factors, the people of a sub-region feel that they possess a distinct identity. A movement for the separation of that sub-region from a state or for the redressal of grievances in the … Read more

Explain the Salient features of Indian Constitution?

The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It is a living document, an instrument which makes the government system work. It lays down the framework defining fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of government institutions and sets out Fundamental Rights, directive principles and the duties of citizens. It is … Read more

Salient Features of Indian Constitution

Lengthiest Written Constitution: Originally our constitution contained 395 articles divided in 22 parts and 8 schedules. Constitution has been amended 98 times. Currently there are 25 Parts, 12 Schedules, and 448 Articles. These figures show our constitution as the most comprehensive constitution in the world. (British have no written constitution and Constitution of USA had … Read more

Federal Structure: Union-State relations

The Indian constitution provides for a federal framework with powers (legislative ,executive and financial) divided between the center and the states. However, there is no division of judicial power as the constitution has established an Integrated Judicial System to enforce both the central laws as well as state law. The Indian federation is not the … Read more


Federalism Federalism, mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in a way that allows each to maintain its own Integrity. Federal systems do this by requiring that basic policies be made and implemented through negotiation in some form, so that all the members can share in … Read more