Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh

Folktales and folk legends of Chhattisgarh Raja Nal and Mata Damyanti Damayanti chose Nala for her husband in preference to the gods. This angered one of the demigods, Kali. He caused Nala to lose his kingdom and all his possessions. Nala and Damayanti went into the forest, but got separated. They took up work under … Read more

Loss of capital city

Loss of capital city Common Capital & Its Governance The  Act  has  ordained  that  the  Hyderabad  city  would  be  the  common capital of the successor States of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for a period of ten years. The Act has empowered the Governor with  ‘special responsibility for the  security  of  life,  Liberty  and  property  of  … Read more

Freedom of will and moral responsibility

Freedom of will and moral responsibility From its earliest beginnings, the problem of “free will” has been intimately connected with the question of moral responsibility. Most of the ancient thinkers on the problem were trying to show that we humans have control over our decisions, that our actions “depend on us”, and that they are … Read more


  Sisupala, a prominent character in Hindu mythology, is a figure shrouded in mystery and intrigue. His story, as narrated in the ancient texts, offers profound insights into the complexities of human nature and the workings of destiny. In this article, we delve into the life, deeds, and enduring legacy of Sisupala. Sisupala\’s Origins and … Read more


h2>Unveiling the Beauty of Vikramorvasiyam: An Ancient Indian Masterpiece Vikramorvasiyam, composed by the legendary Sanskrit/>Sanskrit/>Sanskrit poet Kalidasa/>Kalidasa/>Kalidasa, stands as a testament to his unparalleled literary prowess and artistic brilliance. This timeless play is celebrated for its captivating storyline, vivid imagery, and profound exploration of human emotions. Plot Summary and Key Characters of Vikramorvasiyam Love and … Read more

The Mahabharata

div class=w-full text-token-text-primary data-testid=conversation-turn-59> Unraveling the Epic Saga: The Mahabharata The Mahabharata, often hailed as the longest epic poem ever written, is a timeless masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of time and culture. It is a monumental work of literature, philosophy, and spirituality that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. In this article, we delve into … Read more

Zero hour

Zero Hour Zero hour is the moment in time when a military operation is scheduled to begin. It is also used more generally to refer to any critical moment or deadline. The term “zero hour” originated in the military, and it is still used in that context today. For example, the zero hour for a … Read more