Multi Storey Cropping

Multi-storey CroppingCropping Multi-storey Cropping is a type of intensive agriculture that involves growing two or more crops on the same piece of land at the same time. This can be done by growing different crops at different levels, such as in a vertical garden, or by growing the same crop in multiple rows. Vertical Stratification … Read more

Crop Rotation

What is Crop Rotation? Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops in the same field in a planned sequence over a period of years. This helps to improve SoilSoil health, control pests and diseases, and increase crop yields. Two-Field Rotations Three-Field Rotations Four-Field Rotations (and beyond) Sod Crops in Rotation Green … Read more

Manures – Elements Required In Plant Growth

Manures – Elements Required In Plant Growth Manures are organic materials that are applied to SoilSoil to improve its fertility. They can be made from a variety of sources, including animal manure, plant matter, and compost. Manures provide plants with essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They also help to improve Soil Structure … Read more

Contract Farming

Contract Farming Contract farming is an agreement between a farmer and a buyer, whereby the farmer agrees to grow a certain crop or LivestockLivestock product for the buyer, who agrees to purchase the produce at a pre-agreed price. This type of arrangement can benefit both parties, as it can provide farmers with a guaranteed market … Read more

Unveiling the Neolithic Period (New Stone Age) 6000 BCE – 1000 BCE

The Neolithic Period, also known as the New Stone Age, marks a pivotal period in human history characterized by the widespread adoption of agriculture, animal domestication, and permanent settlements. Spanning from approximately 6000 BCE to 1000 BCE, this era witnessed significant advancements in technology, social organization, and cultural practices, laying the foundations for the rise … Read more

Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): Reclaiming Traditional Wisdom for Sustainable Farming

The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), launched in 2015, is a centrally sponsored scheme that encourages organic farming in cluster-based mode. The scheme recognizes that traditional and indigenous agricultural practices have inherent strengths rooted in sustainability and harmony with nature. PKVY seeks to leverage this wisdom for promoting chemical-free cultivation and enhancing the income of … Read more